Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
Capacités: Projet "Investissement d'Avenir", 1/11/14 to 31/01/2018
Participants : Damien Hardy, Isabelle Puaut.
The project objective is to develop a hardware and software platform based on manycore architectures, and to demonstrate the relevance of these manycore architectures (and more specifically the Kalray manycore) for several industrial applications. The Kalray MPPA manycore architecture is currently the only one able to meet the needs of embedded systems simultaneously requiring high performance, lower power consumption, and the ability to meet the requirements of critical systems (low latency I/O, deterministic processing times, and dependability). The project partners are Kalray (lead), Airbus, Open-Wide, Safran Sagem, IS2T, Real Time ar Work, Dassault Aviation, Eurocopter, MBDA, Supersonic Imagine, ProbaYes, IRIT, Onera, Verimag, Inria, Irisa, Tima and Armines.
Inria Project Lab: Multicore 2013-2016
Participants : Erven Rohou, Alain Ketterlin, Nabil Hallou.
The Inria Project Lab (formerly Action d'Envergure) started in 2013. It is entitled “Large scale multicore virtualization for performance scaling and portability”. Partner project-teams include: ALF, ALGORILLE, CAMUS, REGAL, RUNTIME, as well as DALI. This project aims to build collaborative virtualization mechanisms that achieve essential tasks related to parallel execution and data management. We want to unify the analysis and transformation processes of programs and accompanying data into one unique virtual machine.
ADT IPBS 2013-2015
Participants : Sylvain Collange, Erven Rohou, André Seznec, Thibault Person.
As multi-core CPUs and parallel accelerators become pervasive, all execution platforms are now parallel. Research on architecture, compilers and systems now focuses on parallel platforms. New contributions need to be validated against parallel applications that are expected to be representative of current or future workloads. The research community relies today on a few benchmarks sets (SPLASH, PARSEC ...) Existing parallel benchmarks are scarce, and some of them have issues such as aging workloads or non-representative input sets. The IPBS initiative aims at leveraging the diversity of parallel applications developed within Inria to provide a set of benchmarks, named the Inria Parallel Benchmark Suite, to the research community.
ADT Padrone 2012–2014
Participants : Erven Rohou, Alain Ketterlin, Emmanuel Riou.
Computer science is driven by two major trends: on the one hand, the lifetime of applications is much larger than the lifetime of the hardware for which they are initially designed; on the other hand the diversity of computing hardware keeps increasing. The net result is that many applications are not optimized for their current executing environment. The objective of Padrone is to design and develop a platform for reoptimization of binary executables at run-time. There are many advantages: actual hardware is known, the whole application is visible (including libraries), profiling can be collected, and source code is not necessary (interesting in the case of proprietary applications).
ANR W-SEPT 2012-2015
Participants : Hanbing Li, Isabelle Puaut, Erven Rohou.
Critical embedded systems are generally composed of repetitive tasks that must meet drastic timing constraints, such as termination deadlines. Providing an upper bound of the worst-case execution time (WCET) of such tasks at design time is thus necessary to prove the correctness of the system. Static WCET estimation methods, although safe, may produce largely over-estimated values. The objective of the project is to produce tighter WCET estimates by discovering and transforming flow information at all levels of the software design process, from high level-design models (e.g. Scade, Simulink) down to binary code. The ANR W-SEPT project partners are Verimag Grenoble, IRIT Toulouse, Inria Rennes. A case study is provided by Continental Toulouse.