Section: New Software and Platforms


Participant : Loïc Paulevé [correspondant] .

Pint provides several command-line tools to model, simulate, and analyse the dynamics of automata networks. Its main application domain is systems biology for modelling and analysis of very large interaction networks. Besides a textual language for specifying networks and standard stochastic simulation algorithms, Pint implements static analysis for analysing and controlling the transient reachability. In particular, Pint provides the computation of cut sets for transient reachability, that gives sets of key automata states, whose mutation would prevent the concerned reachability to occur.

Pint has been applied to extremely large biological networks, from 100 to 10,000 interacting components, demonstrating its scalability and potential to handle full databases of interactions.

Pint is distributed under the CeCiLL licence, and is available at http://loicpauleve.name/pint .