Section: New Software and Platforms


Although the Saint-Venant system is the cornerstone of flow modelling in geosciences, this does not mean that the transfer of the efficient dedicated simulation tools is achieved in the geoscience community.

ANGE collaborates with scientists, laboratories and companies that are interested in scientific advances which makes the valuation and the transfer of results easier.

ANGE aims at developing robust and efficient numerical tools. For the simulation of the free surface Navier-Stokes equations, numerical tools have been developed namely Freshkiss2D (FRESHKISS : FREe Surface Hydrodynamics using KInetic SchemeS) and Freshkiss3D . These tools are used by several scientists typically in the BIOCORE Inria project-team, at EDF and in public research laboratories.

Freshkiss3D is a numerical code solving the 3D hydrostatic and incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with variable density. This code was initially dedicated to research activities within the team but we now aim at turning it into a numerical tool being used by non-mathematicians. Indeed, there is a demand in research laboratories and companies to use this tool. A young engineer (R. Hamouda) has been hired (ADT In@lgae funded by Inria) and its assignment is to improve/enrich the code and to make it user-friendly. Notice that Freshkiss3D is used for teaching (master students in geosciences) at university Denis Diderot Paris 7 and IPGP.