Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria Associate Teams

QOLAPS (Quantifier elimination, Optimization, Linear Algebra and Polynomial Systems) is an Associate Team between the Symbolic Computation Group at North Carolina State University (USA), the PolSys team at LIP6, Paris 6, and the AriC team. Participants: Clément Pernet, Nathalie Revol, Gilles Villard.

Inria International Partners

Informal International Partners

Our international academic collaborators are from Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences (USA), Hamburg University of Technology (Germany), Imperial College (UK), Macquarie University (Australia), Mc Gill University (Canada), Monash University (Australia), Nanyang Technological University (Singapore), North Carolina State University (USA), Technical University of Cluj-Napoca (Romania), University of California, Los Angeles (USA), University of Delaware (USA), University of Southern Denmark (Denmark), University of Western Ontario (Canada), University of Waterloo (Canada), Uppsala University (Sweden).

We also collaborate with Intel (Portland, USA).

Participation In other International Programs

  • PICS CANTaL (Cryptography, Algorithmic Number Theory and Lattices). This is a collaborative project involving several AriC members (Nicolas Brisebarre, Guillaume Hanrot, Fabien Laguillaumie, Adeline Langlois and Damien Stehlé), and collaborators in several Australian universities: Christophe Doche (Macquarie University), Igor Shparlinski (UNSW) and Ron Steinfeld (Monash University). It was funded by the International office of the CNRS, for 2012, 2013 and 2014.

  • IEEE P1788 working group for the standardization of interval arithmetic. We contributed to the creation in 2008 of this working group http://grouper.ieee.org/groups/1788/ and Nathalie Revol chairs this group since its creation. In 2014, the final draft text has been approved upon by the working group in June. The rest of the year was devoted to editorial polishing, before submitting the text to the “Sponsor ballot”, which constitutes the final step and should be completed in 2015. The annual in-person meeting, chaired by Nathalie Revol, took place at the end of the SCAN 2014 conference in Würzburg, Germany, the 26 September.

    Vincent Lefèvre actively participated in various discussions, either in the mailing-list or in small subgroups.