Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master: Jean-Michel Muller, Floating-Point Arithmetic and Formal Proof (8h + coordination of the 24h course), ENS de Lyon.
Master: Nicolas Brisebarre, Introduction to Effective Approximation Theory (24h), Hanoi Institute of Mathematics (Vietnam).
Master: Claude-Pierre Jeannerod, Nicolas Louvet, Nathalie Revol, Algorithmique numérique et fiabilité des calculs en arithmétique flottante (24h), M2 ISFA (Institut de Science Financière et d'Assurances), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.
Master: Vincent Lefèvre, Arithmétique des ordinateurs (20h), M2 ISFA (Institut de Science Financière et d'Assurances), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.
Professional teaching: Nathalie Revol, Contrôler et améliorer la qualité numérique d'un code de calcul industriel (2h30), Collège de Polytechnique.
Master: Fabien Laguillaumie, Cryptography, Error Correcting Codes, 150h, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1.
Master: Benoît Libert, Advances cryptographic protocols, 24h, ENS de Lyon.
Research school: Adeline Langlois, Fabien Laguillaumie, Damien Stehlé, Chiffrement avancé à partir du problème Learning With Errors (4h30), École de printemps Codes et Crypto, Université de Grenoble.
Research school: Adeline Langlois, Fabien Laguillaumie, Damien Stehlé, Chiffrement avancé à partir du problème Learning With Errors (4h30), École Jeunes Chercheurs en Informatique Mathématique, Université de Caen.
Research school: Damien Stehlé, Cryptographie reposant sur les réseaux euclidiens (3h), Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs en Théorie des Nombres.
PhD : Nicolas Brunie, Contribution à l'arithmétique des ordinateurs et applications aux systèmes embarqués, ENS Lyon, May 2014, co-supervised by Florent de Dinechin (and Renaud Ayrignac).
PhD : Adeline Langlois, Lattice - Based Cryptography - Security Foundations and Constructions, ENS Lyon, October 2014, supervised by Damien Stehlé.
PhD : Philippe Théveny, Numerical quality and high performance in interval linear algebra on multi-core Processors, ENS Lyon, October 2014, supervised by Nathalie Revol.
PhD in progress: Silviu Filip, Filtroptim : tools for an optimal synthesis of numerical filters, since September 2013, co-supervised by Nicolas Brisebarre and Guillaume Hanrot.
PhD in progress: Vincent Neiger, Multivariate interpolation in computer algebra: efficient algorithms ans applications, since September 2013, co-supervised by Claude-Pierre Jeannerod and Gilles Villard (together with Éric Schost (Western University, London, Canada)).
PhD in progress: Marie Paindavoine, Méthodes de calculs sur des données chiffrées, since October 2013 (Orange Labs - UCBL), co-supervised by Fabien Laguillaumie (together with Sébastien Canard).
PhD in progress : Antoine Plet, Contribution à l'analyse d'algorithmes en arithmétique virgule flottante, since September 2014, co-supervised by Nicolas Louvet and Jean-Michel Muller.
PhD in progress : Valentina Popescu, Vers des bibliothèques multi-précision certifiées et performantes, since September 2014, co-supervised by Mioara Joldes (LAAS) and Jean-Michel Muller.
PhD in progress : Serge Torres, Some tools for the design of efficient and reliable function evaluation libraries, since September 2010, co-supervised by Nicolas Brisebarre and Jean-Michel Muller.
PhD in progress: Louis Dumont, Algorithmique efficace pour les diagonales, applications en combinatoire, physique et théorie des nombres, co-supervised by Alin Bostan (SpecFun team) and Bruno Salvy.
PhD in progress: Sébastien Maulat, Évaluation efficace et certifiée de fonctions différentiellement finies en précision modérée, since september 2014, supervised by Bruno Salvy.
PhD in progress: Stephen Melczer, Effective analytic combinatorics in one and several variables, co-supervised by George Labahn (U. Waterloo, Canada) and Bruno Salvy.
In 2014, Jean-Michel Muller was vice-chair of the “Comité d'évaluation scientifique mathématiques–informatique théorique” of the ANR (the French national research agency). He participated to the PhD committees for the defenses of Laurent Thévenoux (Univ. Perpignan) and Karim Bigou (Univ. Rennes 1). He participated to the Habilitation committees for the defenses of Christophe Denis (Univ. Perpignan), Sylvie Boldo (Paris Sud Univ.) and David Defour (Univ. Perpignan). He was a member of the Scientific Council of ENS de Lyon until june 2014, and he is a member of the Scientific Council of CERFACS (Toulouse).
Bruno Salvy was a member of the PhD committees of Julien Courtien (Bordeaux), Jules Svartz (UPMC), and Pierre Lairez (École polytechnique).
Nathalie Revol was a member of the PhD committee of Olivier Mullier (École polytechnique). Nathalie Revol was in the hiring committee for junior researchers (CR) of Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes and in the hiring committee for an assistant professor position at Université Paris Sud.
Damien Stehlé was reviewer of the PhD theses of Robert Fitzpatrick (Royal Holloway, UK), Tancrède Lepoint (ENS Paris, Univ. du Luxembourg and CryptoExperts) and Nicola di Pietro (Univ. Bordeaux).
Fabien Laguillaumie was reviewer for the PhD thesis of Alain Patey (Telecom ParisTech). He was part of the HDR committee of Damien Vergnaud (ENS).
Nicolas Louvet was a member of a hiring committee for an associate professor position at the university Montpellier 2.