Section: Dissemination
Sylvie Boldo (Proval project) and Jean-Michel Muller wrote a popular science paper Des ordinateurs capables de calculer plus juste in the journal La Recherche [36] .
Nicolas Brisebarre co-organizes scientific conferences, called «Éclats de sciences», at Maison du Livre, de l'Image et du Son in Villeurbanne. Around three conferences take place per year.
Nathalie Revol gave talks for pupils at collèges and lycées, as an incentive to choose scientific careers: lycée Camille Vernet (Valence, Drôme), lycée Jérémie de la Ville (Charlieu, Loire), lycée Gabriel Fauré (Annecy, Haute-Savoie), collège Jean Renoir (Neuville-sur-Saône, Rhône). During the “Week of mathematics”, she gave a 2-hour talk at lycée de la Côtière (La Boisse, Ain). She gave the inaugural conference of the congress “Math en Jean's” in Lyon and the conference for the scientific camp “Math C2
” in Montbonnot. She was present for the “Mondial des Métiers” (Eurexpo Lyon, Chassieu, Rhône). For the Science Fair, she gave 2 talks at MMI, ENS de Lyon. In 2014, she met over 1000 pupils.