Section: New Results

Highlights of the Year

  • Nicholas Ayache was elected a member of the Académie des sciences on 18th Nov. 2014.

  • Nicholas Ayache received the “Grand Prix Inria – Académie des sciences 2014“ for his major contributions to Informatics and Computational Sciences at Inria.

  • Nicholas Ayache taught the "Personalized Digital Patient" course at the Collège de France on the annual chair "Informatics and Computational Sciences".

  • Hervé Lombaert was awarded and ranked 1st in computer science at the highly selective NSERC Postdoctoral Fellowship (Top funding agency in Canada).

  • Nina Miolane and Bishesh Khanal won the first prize in the “Popular Vote Awards” at the MICCAI 2014 Educational Challenge for their video on “Statistics on Lie groups for Computational Anatomy“.

Best Paper Award :

[12] Parameter Estimation For Personalization of Liver Tumor Radiofrequency Ablation in MICCAI Workshop on Abdominal Imaging – Computational and Clinical Applications.

C. Audigier, T. Mansi, H. Delingette, S. Rapaka, V. Mihalef, D. Carnegie, E. Boctor, M. Choti, A. Kamen, D. Comaniciu, N. Ayache.