Section: Research Program
Resourc-Agnostic Application Description Model
When programming in parallel, users expect to obtain performance improvement, whatever the cost is. For long, parallel machines have been simple enough to let a user program them given a minimal abstraction of their hardware. For example, MPI [36] exposes the number of nodes but hides the complexity of network topology behind a set of collective operations; OpenMP [40] simplifies the management of threads on top of a shared memory machine while OpenACC [39] aims at simplifying the use of GPGPU.
However, machines and applications are getting more and more complex so that the cost of manually handling an application is becoming very high [35] . Hardware complexity also stems from the unclear path towards next generations of hardware coming from the frequency wall: multi-core CPU, many-core CPU, GPGPUs, deep memory hierarchy, etc. have a strong impact on parallel algorithms. Hence, even though an abstract enough parallel language (UPC, Fortress, X10, etc.) succeeds, it will still face the challenge of supporting distinct codes corresponding to different algorithms corresponding to distinct hardware capacities.
Therefore, the challenge we aim to address is to define a model, for describing the structure of parallel and distributed applications that enables code variations but also efficient executions on parallel and distributed infrastructures. Indeed, this issue appears for HPC applications but also for cloud oriented applications. The challenge is to adapt an application to user constraints such as performance, energy, security, etc.
Our approach is to consider component based models [43] as they offer the ability to manipulate the software architecture of an application. To achieve our goal, we consider a “compilation” approach that transforms a resource-agnostic application description into a resource-specific description. The challenge is thus to determine a component based model that enables to efficiently compute application mapping while being tractable. In particular, it has to provide an efficient support with respect to application and resource elasticity, energy consumption and data management.