Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Bachelor: F. Grognard (45.5h ETD) and L. Mailleret (26h ETD), “Equations différentielles ordinaires et systèmes dynamiques”, L3, 1st year Engineering in Modelling and Applied Mathematics, Polytech'Nice, Université of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • Master: O. Bernard (4.5 ETD), “Bioenergy from microalgae”, M2, Master International Energy Management : alternatives pour l'énergie du futur, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, France.

  • Master: O. Bernard (18h ETD), “Modelling biotechnological processes”, M2, Ecole Centrale de Paris, France.

  • Master: F. Grognard (21h ETD) and L. Mailleret (21h ETD), “Bio-Mathématiques”, M1, 2nd year Engineering in Modelling and Applied Mathematics (eq. M1), Polytech'Nice, Université of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • Master: J.-L. Gouzé (9h ETD), M. Chaves (4.5h ETD), “Discrete and continuous approaches to model gene regulatory networks”, M2, Master of Science in Computational Biology, University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • Master: J.-L. Gouzé (18h ETD), M. Chaves (12h ETD) “Modelling biological networks by ordinary differential equations”, M1, 4th year students, Génie Biologie, Ecole Polytechnique University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • Master : S. Touzeau (17.25h ETD), “Analyse de données”, M1, 2nd engineering year in Génie Biologie, Polytech'Nice – Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

  • PhD program: J.-L. Gouzé and M. Chaves (3h ETD), seminar course on “Introduction to mathematical modeling of biological networks”, to the students of the Labex Signalife PhD program, University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis, France.

O. Bernard together with F. Mairet and Q. Béchet supervised two projects for engineering school students. The first project involved 6 students of Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris (last year of engineering school, 1 week ("Combining photovoltaic panels and microalgae" ) and the second project involved 4 students from the Ecole Centrale de Paris (first year of engineering school), 4 months, to design a process with microalgae growing on a biofilm.


  • PhD : P. Hartmann, " Effect of hydrodynamics on light utilization in large scale cultures of microalgae ", UNS, defended May 14, 2014. Supervisors: O. Bernard and A. Sciandra. [13]

  • PhD : A. Carta, “Modelling, analysis and control for systems biology: application to bacterial growth models”, UNS, defended May 22, 2014. Supervisors: J.-L. Gouzé and M. Chaves.[12]

  • PhD : C. Baroukh, “Metabolic modeling under non-balanced growth. Application to microalgae for biofuels production”, U. Montpellier 2, defended October 10, 2014. Supervisors: J.-P. Steyer and O. Bernard.[11]

  • PhD : Natacha Go, “Modelling the immune response to the Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive Syndrome virus”, AgroParisTech, defended December 8, 2014. Supervisors: S. Touzeau & C. Belloc (BioepAR, INRA & Oniris Nantes) [90]

  • PhD : A. Lebon, “La compensation dans les interactions plantes insectes : modélisation, simulation et expérimentation", University of Montpellier 2, defended December 10, 2014. Supervisors : Y. Dumont (CIRAD), F. Grognard and L. Mailleret.

  • PhD in progress : G. Grimaud, "Controlled competition for the selection of microalgal species of interest ", since September 2011, UNS. Supervisor: O. Bernard and S. Rabouille.

  • PhD in progress : I. Belgacem “Controle de systèmes de régulation génétique”, since November 2011, UNS. Supervisor: J.-L. Gouzé.

  • PhD in progress : H. Bonnefond, "Experimental development of selection oriented photobioreactors", since september 2012, UNS. Supervisor: A. Sciandra and O. Bernard

  • PhD in progress : T. Morel Journel, “Où, quand, combien? Stratégies d'introduction d'organismes dans un environnement spatialement structuré”, since October 2012, UNS. Supervisors: T. Guillemaud, E. Vercken and L. Mailleret.

  • PhD in progress : E. Rousseau, ”Plant viruses adaptation to quantitative resistance: from the study of their impact on within-host viral evolutionary dynamics to their durable management in agro-ecosystems”, since November 2012, UNS. Supervisors: F. Grognard, L. Mailleret, B. Moury, and F. Fabre (INRA Avignon).

  • PhD in progress : D. Demory, "Impact of virus dynamics on microalgae mortality ", since September 2013, UPMC. Supervisor: A. Sciandra and O. Bernard

  • PhD in progress : N. Bajeux, "Influence d’une densite dépendance dans les modèles impulsionnels de dynamiques des populations", since October 2013, UNS. Supervisor: F. Grognard.

  • PhD in progress : S. Casagranda. “Analysis and control of cell growth models”, since November 2013, UNS. Supervisors: J.-L. Gouzé and D. Ropers (Inria IBIS).

  • PhD in progress : S. Almeida. "Theoretical design of synthetic biological oscillators and their coupling", since October 2014, UNS. Supervisors: M. Chaves and F. Delaunay (UNS, iBV).


  • O. Bernard was referee for the PhD of Cyril Marcilhac "Studies of the culture conditions of a complex ecosystem microalgae / bacteria: application to the development of an a process to extract and recover nutrients from the digestate", University of Rennes 1, Dec. 18, 2014.

  • O. Bernard was in the PhD jury of G. Bougaran "Co-limitation by nitrogen and phosphorus : study of the mechanisms in the microalgae Tisochrysis lutea", Nantes University, Oct. 22, 2014.

  • O. Bernard was in the PhD jury of T. Dinh. "Interval observers and positive observers", Paris-Sud University (Nov. 24, 2014).

  • O. Bernard was in the PhD jury of P. Hartmann, " Effect of hydrodynamics on light utilization in large scale cultures of microalgae ", UNS, May 14, 2014.

  • O. Bernard was in the PhD jury of C. Baroukh, “Metabolic modeling under non-balanced growth. Application to microalgae for biofuels production”, U. Montpellier 2, October 10, 2014.

  • S. Touzeau was in the PhD thesis jury of Natacha Go,“Modelling the immune response to the Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive Syndrome virus”, AgroParisTech, December 8, 2014.

  • M. Chaves and J.-L. Gouzé were in the PhD thesis jury of Alfonso Carta, “Modelling, analysis and control for systems biology: application to bacterial growth models,” University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, May 22, 2014.

  • J.L. Gouzé was referee for the PhD thesis of J.S. Nelva Pasqual. “ Exploration des réseaux d'interactions en écologie : de la structure vers la dynamique. Signification des analyses des matrices de communauté en écologie des estuaires”. Université Bordeaux 1.

  • F. Grognard and L. Mailleret were in the PhD jury of A. Lebon, “La compensation dans les interactions plantes insectes : modélisation, simulation et expérimentation", University of Montpellier 2, December 10, 2014.

  • O. Bernard is in the thesis committee of S. Bellini (University of Montpellier), G. Bougaran (University of Nantes), Valeria Villanova (University of Grenoble) and Sofiane Mazeghrane (University of Montpellier).

  • S. Touzeau is in the thesis committee of David Demory (UPMC, 2013–2016) and Eric Breton (Université de Nantes, 2013–2016).

  • F. Mairet is in the thesis committee of Alessandro Solimeno (Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya).