Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Informal International Partners
Collaboration [RM] with the M. Hadziabdic (International university of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina) on the turbulence and heat transfer modelling of jets impinging on a heated, rotating disk.
Collaboration [RM] with the A.T. Nguyen (University of Vietnam-Ho Chi Minh City) on the development of a new hybrid RANS/LES method based on temporal filtering.
Collaboration [RM] with E. Juntasaro (King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok, Thailand) on the modelling of transition to turbulence.
Collaboration [RM] with S. Lardeau (CD-Adapco, London, UK) on the development of an industrial version of the EB-RSM model and its implementation in the commercial CFD software STAR-CCM+.
Collaboration [PB, VP, YM] with E. Dick (University of Ghent, Belgium) on the development of schemes for the simulation of unsteady low Mach number flows.
Collaboration [PB] with A. Allouhi, A. Jamil, Y. Mourad (Ecole Supérieure de Technologie of Fès, Marocco) on energy issues related to transition and phase change materials.