Section: Dissemination
Seminars and Invitations
O. Berder gave an invited lecture at SENSO 2014 conference in Ecole des Mines, Gardanne, France, in October 2014.
O. Berder gave an invited lecture at Common Colloquium GDR Ondes and GDR ISIS in Telecom ParisTech, Paris, in December 2014.
A. Courtay gave an invited talk at the NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems (AHS'14), Leicester, UK, on Dynamically Reconfigurable Embedded FPGA Systems in July 2014.
O. Sentieys gave an invited talk at the 24th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications (workshop on Self-adaptive heterogeneous many-core based on Flexible Tiles), Munich, Germany, in September 2014 on Runtime Mapping of Hardware Accelerators on the Embedded FPGA Layer.
O. Sentieys gave an invited talk at GreenDays'14 on Domain-Specific Computing Platforms: the Ultimate Energy-Efficiency of Hardware Accelerators.
O. Sentieys gave an invited lecture at FETCH (École d'hiver Francophone sur les Technologies de Conception des Systèmes embarqués Hétérogènes), Ottawa, Canada, in January 2014 on FlexTiles: runtime mapping of hardware accelerators on 3D self-adaptive heterogeneous manycore.
A. Tisserand gave an invited lecture at the CNRS ECOFAC 2014 spring school on low power arithmetic circuits.