Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific events organisation

The Carte Team has organized a few conferences and workshops in Nancy this year:

  • Journées SDA2 and FRAC 2014 , April.

  • JFIN (Journée Française d'investigation numérique), October.

  • Botconf'14 (The botnet fighting conference - Second edition), December.

Simon Perdrix organised JIQ'14 (Journées Informatique quantique) in Lyon in November.

Scientific events selection

Conference program committee membership
  • Guillaume Bonfante was in the Program Committee of the conference FPS (Foundations and Practice of Security) and the following workshops: Termgraph (Vienna), Caesar (Rennes), PPREW (New Orleans).

  • Mathieu Hoyrup was in the Program Committee of Computability and Complexity in Analysis (CCA) 2014.

  • Romain Péchoux was in the Program Committee of DICE 2014 (Developpements in Implicit Computational complExity).

  • Simon Perdrix was in the Program Committee of STACS 2014 (Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science) and QPL 2014 (Quantum Physics and Logic).

Reviewing activities
  • Mathieu Hoyrup reviewed articles for LICS 2014, CiE 2014.

  • Emmanuel Jeandel reviewed articles for STACS 2015.

  • Romain Péchoux reviewed articles for DICE 2014 (Developpements in Implicit Computational complExity), ISMVL 2015 (International Symposium on Multi-Valued Logics), RTA-TLCA 014 (Rewriting Techniques and Applications - Typed Lambda-Calculi and Applications).

  • Simon Perdrix reviewed articles for CONCUR'14.


Editorial board membership
  • Emmanuel Jeandel is in the editorial board of RAIRO-ITA .

Reviewing activities
  • Mathieu Hoyrup reviewed articles for Theory of Computing Systems, Logical Methods in Computer Science, Mathematical Structures in Computer Science.

  • Emmanuel Jeandel reviewed articles for Journal of Computer and System Sciences and for Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems.

  • Simon Perdrix reviewed articles for Information Processing Letters, Quantum Information & Computation.

Invited Talks

  • Jean-Yves Marion gave an invited talk at the Journées Francophones de l'Investigation Numérique (JFIN).

  • Emmanuel Jeandel gave an invited talk at the Journées Montoises.

  • Simon Perdrix gave an invited talk at the Workshop on Quantum Metrology, Interaction, and Causal Structure 2014 (Tsinghua University, Beijing) and an invited talk at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Collective Responsibilities

Isabelle Gnaedig is:

  • member of the scientific mediation committee of Inria Nancy - Grand Est,

  • researcher social referee at Inria Nancy - Grand Est.

Simon Perdrix is responsible of GT IQ (groupe de travail Informatique quantique) at the CNRS GdR IM (groupe de recherche Informatique Mathématique).