Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: David Naccache, Introduction to computer science, L1, Univ. Paris II

  • Master: David Naccache, Scientific programming through practice, M1, ENS

  • Master: David Naccache, Jacques Stern, Damien Vergnaud, Introduction to Cryptology, M1, ENS

  • Master: Michel Abdalla, David Pointcheval, Vadim Lyubashevsky, Cryptography, M2, MPRI

  • Master: Damien Vergnaud, Advanced Algebra and Applications to Cryptography, Ecole Centrale Paris

  • Master: Hoeteck Wee, Randomness in Complexity, M2, MPRI

  • Master: David Naccache, Computer Security, M2, Univ. Paris II

  • Master: David Naccache, Computer Security, M2, Beijing Jiaotong University

  • Master: David Naccache, Risk Management, M2, Univ. Paris II

  • Master: David Naccache, Computer Forensics, M2, Univ. Paris II

  • Master: David Naccache, Computer Security, M2, University of Luxembourg

  • Master: David Pointcheval, Cryptography, M2, ESIEA


  • PhD: Tancrède Lepoint, Design and Implementation of Lattice-Based Cryptography, ENS, June 30th, 2014, David Pointcheval

  • PhD in progress: Sylvain Ruhault, Randomness in cryptography, from 2011, David Pointcheval & Damien Vergnaud

  • PhD in progress: Sonia Belaid, Leakage-resilient cryptography, from 2012, Michel Abdalla

  • PhD in progress: Fabrice Ben Hamouda, Leakage of information in cryptography, from 2012, Michel Abdalla & David Pointcheval

  • PhD in progress: Diana Maimut, Fully Homomorphic Encryption, from 2012, David Naccache

  • PhD in progress: Thomas Prest, Lattice-based cryptography, from 2012, Vadim Lyubashevsky & David Pointcheval

  • PhD in progress: Olivier Sanders, Delegation of computations, from 2012, David Pointcheval

  • PhD in progress: Jérémie Clément, Lightweight cryptography, from 2013, David Naccache

  • PhD in progress: Simon Cogliani, Authenticated Encryption, from 2013, David Naccache

  • PhD in progress: Mario Cornejo, Security for the cloud, from 2013, Michel Abdalla

  • PhD in progress: Houda Ferradi, Biometric protocols and mobile security, from 2013, David Naccache

  • PhD in progress: Alain Passelègue, Security against related-key attacks, from 2013, Michel Abdalla

  • PhD in progress: Adrian Thillard, Counter-measures against side-channel attacks and secure multi-party computation, from 2013, Damien Vergnaud

  • PhD in progress: Florian Bourse, Encryption Schemes for the Cloud, from 2014, Michel Abdalla & David Pointcheval

  • PhD in progress: Geoffroy Couteau, Efficient secure two-party computation for the Cloud, from 2014, David Pointcheval & Hoeteck Wee

  • PhD in progress: Rafael Del Pino, Lattice-Based Cryptography – Complexity and Ideal-Lattices, from 2014, Vadim Lyubashevsky

  • PhD in progress: Rémi Géraud, Provable security in public-key cryptography, from 2014, David Naccache

  • PhD in progress: Pierrick Meaux, Lattice-Based Cryptography – Advanced Features, from 2014, Vadim Lyubashevsky


  • PhD Robert Künnemann. On the Analysis of Security APIs and Stateful Protocols – ENS Cachan – France, January 7th 2014: David Pointcheval

  • HdR Emmanuel Prouff. Analyse des Attaques par Canaux Auxiliaires et Preuves de Sécurité – Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris – France, January 27th 2014: David Pointcheval

  • PhD Thomas Peters. Privacy Enhancing Cryptographic Mechanisms with Public Verifiability – Université Catholique de Louvain – Belgium, April 2nd 2014: David Pointcheval

  • PhD Alain Patey. Techniques cryptographiques pour l'authentification et l'identification biométriques respectant la vie privée – Telecom ParisTech – France, May 20th 2014: David Pointcheval (Chair)

  • PhD Susan Thomson. Public-Key Cryptography with Joint and Related-Key Security – ENS – France, June 18th 2014: Michel Abdalla (Examiner)

  • PhD Tancrède Lepoint. Design and Implementation of Lattice-Based Cryptography – ENS – France, June 30th 2014: David Naccache, David Pointcheval (Supervisor)

  • HdR Damien Vergnaud. Primitives et constructions en cryptographie asymétrique – Ecole Normale Supérieure – France, July 1st 2014: Michel Abdalla, David Pointcheval

  • PhD Slim Bettaieb. Signature et identification pour l'anonymat, basées sur les réseaux – Université de Limoges – France, September 26h 2014: Damien Vergnaud (Reviewer)

  • PhD Adeline Langlois. Lattice-Based Cryptography: Security Foundations and Constructions – ENS Lyon – France, October 17 2014: Vadim Lyubashevsky (Jury member)

  • HdR: Duong Hieu Phan. Some Advances in Broadcast Encryption and Traitor Tracing – Ecole Normale Supérieure – France, November 19th 2014: Michel Abdalla, David Pointcheval (Supervisor)

  • PhD Cédric Murdica. Sécurité Physique de la Cryptographie sur Courbes Elliptiques – Télécom ParisTech – France, February 13th 2014: David Naccache (Supervisor)

  • PhD Thomas Souvignet. L'expertise et la lutte contre la fraude monétique Université Panthéon-Assas Paris 2 – France, December 18th 2014: David Naccache (Supervisor)

  • PhD Jean-Michel Cioranesco. Nouvelles contre-mesures pour la protection de circuit intégrés – Université Panthéon-Sorbonne Paris 1 – France, December 18th 2014: David Naccache (Supervisor)

  • PhD Guillaume Bouffard. A Generic Approach for Protecting Java Card Smart Card Against Software Attacks Université de Limoges – France, October 10th 2014: David Naccache (Reviewer)

  • PhD Emmanuel Volte. Miroirs, cubes et Feistel dissymétrique – Université Cergy-Pontoise – France, November 28th 2014: David Pointcheval (Chair)

  • PhD Rodolphe Lampe. Preuves de sécurité en cryptographie symétrique à l'aide de la technique du coupling – Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin en Yvelines – France, December 2nd 2014: David Pointcheval, David Naccache (Reviewer)