Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Licence: Delphine Demange, Functional Programming, 70h, L1, Université de Rennes 1 / Istic, France
Licence: Thomas Genet, Software Engineering, 58h, L2, Université de Rennes 1 / Istic, France
Licence: Delphine Demange, Software Engineering, 40h, L2, Université de Rennes 1 / Istic, France
Licence : Sandrine Blazy, Functional programming in OCaml, 30h, L3, Rennes 1, France
Master : Sandrine Blazy, Méthodes Formelles pour le développement de logiciels sûrs, 53h, M1, Rennes 1, France
Master : Sandrine Blazy, Software vulnerabilities, 26h, M2, Rennes 1
Master : Sandrine Blazy, Mechanised semantics, 15h, M2, Rennes 1, France
Licence : David Cachera, Formal Languages, 36h, L3, ENS Rennes, France
Licence : David Pichardie, Algorithms, 36h, L3, ENS Rennes, France
Licence : Alan Schmitt, Programmation Fonctionnelle, 37h, L3, Insa Rennes, France
Licence : Barbara Kordy, Formal Languages and Grammars, 36h , L3, INSA Rennes, France
Master : Thomas Genet, Formal Design and Verification, 108h, M1, Université de Rennes 1 / Istic, France
Master : Thomas Genet, Cryptographic Protocols, 24h, M2, Université de Rennes 1 / Istic, France
Master : Frédéric Besson, Compilation, 68h, M1, Insa Rennes, France
Master : Alan Schmitt, Méthodes Formelles pour le développement de logiciels sûrs, 22h, M1, Rennes 1, France
Master : David Cachera, Semantics of Programming Languages, 36h, M1, Université Rennes 1, France
Master : Delphine Demange, Software Security, 9h, M2, Université Rennes 1, France
Master : David Pichardie, Software Security, 21h, M2, Université Rennes 1, France
Master : David Pichardie, Mechanized Semantics, 15h, M2, Université Rennes 1, France
Master : Thomas Jensen, Static Analysis and Software Security, 20h, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.
Master : Barbara Kordy, Security, 17h, M2, INSA Rennes, France
Master : Barbara Kordy, 4th year Project, 55h, M1, INSA Rennes, France
PhD in progress : Martin Bodin, Certified Analyses of JavaScript, 1st september 2012, Thomas Jensen and Alan Schmitt
PhD in progress : Vincent Laporte, Formal verification of static analyses for low level langages, 1st septembre 2012, Sandrine Blazy and David Pichardie
PhD in progress : Yannick Zakowski, Programs Logics for Concurrency, 1st september 2014, David Pichardie and David Cachera
PhD in progress: Pierre Wilke, Low-level memory models for compilers and static analysers, 1st august 1013, Sandrine Blazy and Frédéric Besson
PhD in progress: Yann Salmon, Reachability for Term Rewriting Systems under Strategies, from Sept 2012, Thomas Genet
PhD in progress: David Bühler, Communication between analyses by deductive verification and abstract interpretation, November 2013, Sandrine Blazy and Boris Yakobowski (CEA)
PhD in progress: Stéphanie Riaud, Transformations de programmes pertinentes pour la sécurité du logiciel, septembre 2011, Sandrine Blazy
PhD: Valérie Murat, Tree Automata Extensions for the Verification of Infinite State Systems, Université de Rennes 1, Thomas Genet
PhD: Andre Oliveira Maroneze, Verified Compilation and Worst-Case Execution Time Estimation, Université de Rennes 1, Sandrine Blazy, David Pichardie and Isabelle Puaut
Thomas Genet, jury member (reviewer) for the PhD defense of Marc Sylvestre, October 2014, University Bordeaux 1
Alan Schmitt, jury member for the PhD defense of Alain Mebsout, September 2014, Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique
Alan Schmitt, jury member (reviewer) for the PhD defense of Nuno Gaspar, December 2014, Université de Sophia-Antipolis
Thomas Jensen, jury member (reviewer) for the PhD defense of Jael Kriener, March 2014, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
David Pichardie, jury member (chair) for the PhD defense of Sebastien Chedor, January 2014, University Rennes 1, France
David Pichardie, jury member (examiner) for the PhD defense of Jonathan Protzenko, September 2014, University Paris-Diderot, France
David Pichardie, jury member (chair) for the PhD defense of Hernan Vanzetto, December 2014, University of Lorraine, France
David Pichardie, jury member (chair) for the PhD defense of Radoniaina Andriatsimandefitra Ratsisahanana, December 2014, SUPELEC, France
Sandrine Blazy, jury member (reviewer) for the PhD defense of Vincent Benayoun, May 2014, CNAM, France
Sandrine Blazy, jury member (chair) for the PhD defense of Van Chan Ngo, July 2014, University Rennes 1, France
Sandrine Blazy, jury member (reviewer) for the PhD defense of Etienne Millon, July 2014, University Paris 6, France
Barbara Kordy, jury member, (reviewer) for the PhD defense of Hannes Holm, February 2014, KTH, Sweden.
Juries for competitive selections
Sandrine Blazy, jury member and external president for the selection of a Maître de Conférences, May 2014, University Paris Sud, France.
Sandrine Blazy, jury member for the selection of a Maître de Conférences, May 2014, INSA de Rennes, France.
Sandrine Blazy, jury member for the selection of a Professeur des Universités, May 2014, University Paris Diderot, France.
Sandrine Blazy, jury member for the final selection of Inria DR (senior researchers) candidates, June 2014, Inria, Paris, France.
Sandrine Blazy, member of the evaluation committee CES 28 of ANR for the competitive selection of ANR projects, June 2014, Paris, France.
Delphine Demange, jury member for the selection of a Maître de Conférences at University of Rennes 1 / ISTIC, May 2014, University of Rennes 1, France.
Delphine Demange, jury member of the Gilles Kahn PhD award committee, December 2014, Inria Paris - Rocquencourt, Antenne Parisienne, France.