Section: New Results
Certified JavaScript
Participants : Martin Bodin, Alan Schmitt.
We have completed our first milestone in the development of a certified JavaScript semantics. We have finished a first version of JSCert, a formalization of the current ECMA standard in the Coq proof assistant, and JSRef, a reference interpreter for JavaScript extracted from Coq to OCaml. We have also given a Coq proof that JSRef is correct with respect to JSCert and assessed JSRef using test262, the ECMA conformance test suite. Our methodology ensures that JSCert is a comparatively accurate formulation of the English standard. We have demonstrated that modern techniques of mechanized specification can handle the complexity of JavaScript. This result, obtained in the setting of a collaboration with Philippa Gardner and Sergio Maffeis of Imperial College, and Arthur Charguéraud of Inria Saclay, have been published in the conference Principles of Programming Languages [25] .