Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master 2: Emmanuelle Anceaume, responsable du module BIB, 35 h. equiv. TD

  • Master: Sébastien Gambs, Protection of Privacy, 16 hours of lectures, M2 - Master Pro SSI, Université de Rennes 1, France.

  • Master: Sébastien Gambs, Topics on Authentication, 16 hours of lectures, M2 - Master Pro SSI, Université de Rennes 1, France.

  • Master: Sébastien Gambs, Introduction to Computer Security, 8 hours of lectures and 4 hours of practical works, M2 - Master Pro SSI, Université de Rennes 1, France.

  • Licence: Eric Totel, Models and programming languages, 19.5 hours including 10.5 hours of lecture, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Licence: Eric Totel, Foundations of computer science, data structures and algorithms, 6 hours, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Eric Totel, Computer systems architecture, 30 hours, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Eric Totel, C language, 24 hours including 6 hours of lecture, M2 - master CS (Cyber Security), Supélec, France

  • Master: Eric Totel, C language and C++ language, 12 hours including 6 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Eric Totel, Dependability , 9 hours including 7.5 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree and master research, Supélec, France

  • Master: Eric Totel, Dependability, 3 hours of lecture, M2 - third year of the engineer degree (ingénierie des systèmes automatisés), Supélec, France

  • Master: Eric Totel, Intrusion Detection, 6 hours of lecture, M2 - M2 - mastère spécialisé CS (Cyber Security), Supélec, France

  • Master: Eric Totel, Intrusion Detection, 8 hours of lecture, M2 - master 2 degree, University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master: Eric Totel, Intrusion Detection, 4 hours of lecture, M2 - master 2 degree, University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master: Eric Totel, Supervision of student project , 4 projects, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Eric Totel, Supervision of student project, 1 project, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Licence: Frédéric Tronel, Software engineering, 40h30, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France.

  • Master: Frédéric Tronel, Operating systems, 18h, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France .

  • Master: Frédéric Tronel, Compilers, 26h, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France.

  • Master: Frédéric Tronel, Automatic reasoning, 8h, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France.

  • Master: Frédéric Tronel, Buffer overflow vulnerabilities (theory and practice), 16h30, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France.

  • Master: Frédéric Tronel, Buffer overflow vulnerabilities (theory and practice), 7h30, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Telecom Bretagne, France.

  • Master: Frédéric Tronel, Firewall, 7h30, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France.

  • Master: Frédéric Tronel,Calculability in distributed systems, 9h, M2, jointly with University of Rennes 1 and Supélec, France.

  • Licence: Guillaume Piolle, Programming models and languages, 18 hours, L3 - first year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Licence: Guillaume Piolle, Foundations of computing, data structures and algorithms, 31.5 hours, L3 - first year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Licence: Guillaume Piolle, Software engineering, 24 hours, L3 - first year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Guillaume Piolle, Modelling, algorithms and programming, 23.7 hours, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Guillaume Piolle, Computer security and privacy for the engineer, 6 hours, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Guillaume Piolle, Security policies, 4.5 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Guillaume Piolle, Network supervision in Java, 3 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Guillaume Piolle, Computer networks, 3 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Guillaume Piolle, C++/Qt, 12 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Guillaume Piolle, Symbolic artificial intelligence, 4.5 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Guillaume Piolle, Network access protection, 6 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Guillaume Piolle, Web development, 9 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Guillaume Piolle, Privacy protection, 4.5 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Guillaume Piolle, Privacy protection, 2.25 hours, course for computing high school teachers, Académie de Rennes, France;

  • Master: Guillaume Piolle, Discovering Tor, 1.5 hours, course for computing high school teachers, Académie de Rennes, France;

  • Doctorat: Guillaume Piolle, Privacy and data protection, 9 hours, doctoral course, Matisse doctoral school, France;

  • Licence: Nicolas Prigent, Models and programming languages, 19.5 hours including 12 hours of lecture, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France.

  • Licence: Nicolas Prigent, Foundations of computer science, data structures and algorithms, 12 hours, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France.

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, Operating systems, 18h, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France.

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, Automatic reasoning, 8h, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France.

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, Web development, 12 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, Applied Cryptography, 4,5 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, Python Programming, 6 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, Advanced Java Programming, 1,5 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, Penetration Testing, 12 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, IDS and Visualization, 2 hours, M2, ESIR, France.

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, Virtualization and Cloud Computing, 4 hours, M2, ESIR, France.

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, MS Windows Configuration and Administration, 16 hours, Mastère CS - Specialization year, Supélec Campus de Rennes, France.

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, MS Windows Configuration and Administration, 8 hours, CQP - Specialization year, Supélec Campus de Gif, France.

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, Cryptography, Cryptographic Protocols and Applications, 16 hours, CQP - Specialization year, Supélec Campus de Gif, France.

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, Supervision of student project , 2 projects, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France.

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, Supervision of student project, 2 project, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France.

  • Master: Nicolas Prigent, Supervision of student project, 1 project, Mastère CS - Specialization year, Supélec, France.

  • Master: Gilles Guette, Infrastructure Network, 22 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France;

  • Master: Gilles Guette, Network Security, 18 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France;

  • Master: Gilles Guette, Network and System Security, 15 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France;

  • Master: Gilles Guette, Network Dimensionning, 6 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France;

  • Master: Gilles Guette, Network Administration, 50 hours, second year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France;

  • Master: Gilles Guette, Mobile Network, 5 hours, second year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France;

  • Master: Gilles Guette, Network Routing, 35 hours, second year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France;

  • Master: Gilles Guette, Supervision of student Project, 3 projects, third year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France;

  • Master: Gilles Guette, Supervision of student Project, 2 projects, second year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France;

  • Master: Jean-Francois Lalande, Programmation orientée objet avancée: Java, 16 hours, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, INSA Centre Val de Loire, France;

  • Master: Jean-Francois Lalande, Atelier Sécurité Android, 2 days, master degree students of ENSA de Kénitra (conférence CISSI 2014) and ENSA de Khouribga (conférence CISTIC 2014), Maroc;

  • Licence: Christophe Bidan, Programming models and languages, 18 hours, L3 - first year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Licence: Christophe Bidan, Network and Operating Systems, 6 hours, L3 - second year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Christophe Bidan, Introduction to security, lab work (4h30), M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Games Theory, 18 hours, M1 - second year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Certified Programming using Coq, 9 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Intrusion detection using information flow control, 9 hours, M2 / third yearof the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Master: Valérie Viet Triem Tong, Small elements of decidability, 7h30 hours, M2 - third year of the engineering degree, Supélec, France;

  • Licence: Ludovic Mé, Software Engineering, 15h, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Ludovic Mé, Introduction to Computer Security and Privacy, 6.75 hours, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Ludovic Mé, Information systems, 6 hours, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Ludovic Mé, Supervision of student project, 1 project, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Ludovic Mé, Supervision of student project, 1 project, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Ludovic Mé is responsible for the module “Secured information systems”, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Licence: Guillaume Hiet, Models and programming languages, 11 hours, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Licence: Guillaume Hiet, Foundations of computer science, data structures and algorithms, 15 hours, L3 - first year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Computer security and privacy for the engineer, 10 hours including 4,5 hours of lecture, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Buffer overflow vulnerabilities, lab work (16h), M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec.

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Pentest, lab work (9h00), M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Introduction to Linux, lab work (3h), M2 - mastère CS (Cyber Security), Supélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Java Security, lecture (3h), M2 - mastère CS, Supélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Linux Security, lab work (6h), M2 - mastère CS , Supélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Linux Security, lecture (3h) and lab work (3h), third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Intrusion Detection, lecture (6h) and lab work (6h), M2 - mastère CS, Supélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Intrusion Detection, lecture (3h) and lab work (6h), M2 - third year of the engineer degree, M2 research degree of University of Rennes 1, Supélec

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Intrusion Detection, lecture (8h) and lab work (12h), M2, University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Intrusion Detection, lecture (4h) and lab work (6h), M2 - third year of the engineer degree, ESIR, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Intrusion Detection, 6 hours of lecture, M2, Université de Limoges, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Firewall, lecture (4h), M2, University of Rennes 1, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Supervision of student project, 4 projects, M1 - second year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France

  • Master: Guillaume Hiet, Supervision of student project, 1 project, M2 - third year of the engineer degree, Supélec, France


  • HdR: Sébastien Gambs, Protection de la vie privée dans la Société de l'Information, Université de Rennes 1, 23 June 2014.

  • PhD: Romaric Ludinard, Caractérisation locale de fautes dans les systèmes large échelle, Université Rennes I, Defense: 02/10/2014, Emmanuelle Anceaume and Bruno Sericola

  • PhD: Radoniaina Andriatsimandefitra, Caractérisation et détection de malware Android basées sur les flux d'information, SUPELEC, Defense: 15/12/2014, Valérie Viet Triem Tong and Ludovic Mé.

  • PhD: Georges Bossert, Exploiting Semantic for the Automatic Reverse Engineering of Communication Protocols, SUPELEC, Defense: 17/12/2014, Guillaume Hiet and Ludovic Mé.

  • PhD in progress: Mounir Assaf, “Calcul de propriétés dans des programmes C de grande taille”, supervised by Eric Totel (50%) and Frederic Tronel (50%);

  • PhD in progress: Laurent Georget, “Formal validation of an information flow monitor”, started in October 2014, supervised by Valérie Viet Triem Tong (25%), Frédéric Tronel (25%), Guillaume Piolle (25%) and Mathieu Jaume (25%);

  • PhD in progress: Erwan Godefroy, “Corrélation d'alertes dirigée par la connaissance de l'environnement”, started in November 2012, supervised by Eric Totel (50%), Ludovic Mé (30%), and Michel Hurfin (20%);

  • PhD in progress: Mouna Hkimi, “Détection d'intrusion dans les systèmes distribués”, started in October 2013, supervised by Eric Totel (50%) and Michel Hurfin (50%);

  • PhD in progress: Paul Lajoie-Mazenc, “Privacy preserving reputation system in large scale and self organizing systems”, started in october 2012, supervised by Emmanuelle Anceaume (50%) and Valérie Viet Triem Tong (50%);

  • PhD in progress: Pierre Obame, “Dependability issues in large scale systems”, started in February 2012, supervised by Emmanuelle Anceaume (50%) and Frédéric Tronel (50%);

  • PhD in progress: Regina Paiva Melo Marin, “Privacy protection in distributed social networks”, started in November 2011, supervised by Christophe Bidan (20%) and Guillaume Piolle (80%).

  • PhD in progress: Simon Boche, “Réputation et respect de la vie privée dans les réseaux auto-organisé”, started in September 2012, supervised by Christophe Bidan (30%), Gilles Guette (35%) and Nicolas Prigent (35%);

  • PhD in progress: Florian Grandhomme, “Études de protocoles de routage dynamique externe de type BGP dans un environnement réseaux tactiques adhoc mobiles : faisabilité, performances, qualité de service, et passage à  l'échelle”, started in October 2014, supervised by Adlen Ksentini (25%), Gilles Guette (50%) and Thierry Pless (25%);

  • PhD in progress: Christopher Humphries, “Visualisation d'évènements de sécurité", started in December 2011, supervised by Christophe Bidan (20%) and Nicolas Prigent (80%).

  • PhD in progress: Deepak Subramanian, “Multi-level Information Flow Monitoring", started in January 2013, supervised by Christophe Bidan (20%) and Guillaume Hiet (80%).

  • PhD in progress: Julien Lolive, “Entwining identification and privacy mechanisms”, started in December 2012, supervised by Caroline Fontaine (50% - Télécom-Bretagne) and Sébastien Gambs (50%).

  • PhD in progress: Solenn Brunet, “Privacy-preserving location-based services”, started in October 2014, supervised by Sébastien Gambs (50%) and Jacques Traoré (50% - Orange Labs Caen).

  • PhD in progress: Antoine Guellier, “Utilisation de la cryptographie homomorphe pour garantir le respect de la vie privée", started in October 2013, supervised by Christophe Bidan (50%) and Nicolas Prigent (50%).

Some members of the team also participate to the supervision of external PhD students. Sébastien Gambs is co-supervising Raghavendran Balu (PhD student for LinkMedia, Inria Rennes) and Moussa Traore (PhD student from LAAS-CNRS, Toulouse).


  • Emmanuelle Anceaume was a member of the PhD committee for the PhD of Nagham Alhadad entitled "Bridging the gap between social and digital worlds: system modeling and trust evaluation", prepared at LINA, Nantes, June 20th 2014.

  • Michel Hurfin was a member of the PhD committee (reviewer) for the PhD of Linda Zeghache entitled 'Tolérance aux pannes dans les systèmes d'agents mobiles transactionnels', prepared at Université des sciences et de la Technologie Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Algeria, April 27th 2014.

  • Jean-François Lalande was a member of the PhD committee for the PhD of Nicolas Moro entitled "Sécurisation de programmes assembleur face aux attaques visant les processeurs embarqués", prepared at Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, November 13rd 2014.

  • Eric Totel was a member of the PhD committee (reviewer) for the PhD of Aurélien Wailly entitled "Architecture de bout en bout et mécanismes d'autoprotection pour les environnements Cloud", prepared at Telecom Sud Paris, Paris, September 30th 2014.

  • Christophe Bidan was a member of the PhD committee (reviewer) for the PhD of Nesrine Kaaniche entitled "Cloud Data Storage Security based on Cryptographic Mechanisms", prepared at Telecom Sud Paris, Paris, December 15th 2014.

  • Christophe Bidan was a member of the HDR committee (examiner) for the HDR of Julien Iguchi-Cartigny entitled "Contributions à  la sécurité des Java Card", prepared at Université de Limoges, Limoges, December 4th, 2014.

  • Sébastien Gambs was a member of the jury of the Gilles Kahn PhD award for 2014. This award is given each to the best French PhD thesis in computer science.

  • Ludovic Mé was a member of the PhD committee (president) for the PhD of Romaric Ludinard entitled "Caractérisation locale de fautes dans les systèmes large échelle", prepared at Université de Rennes 1, Rennes, October 2nd 2014.

  • Eric Totel was a member of the mid-term evaluation committee of Vincent Laporte (PhD student of the university of Rennes), July 2014.

  • Ludovic Mé was a member of the mid-term evaluation committee of Florent Marchand de Kerchove (PhD student of the university of Nantes), June 2014.

  • Emmanuelle Anceaume was a member of the mid-term evaluation committee of Nicolo Rivetti (PhD student of the university of Nantes), June 2014.

  • Sébastien Gambs was a member of the mid-term evaluation committee of George Nassopoulos (PhD student of the university of Nantes), June 2014.

  • Michel Hurfin was a member of the mid-term evaluation committee of Ghada Arfaoui (PhD student of the university of Orléans, Cifre Orange Labs), January 2014.

  • Christophe Bidan was a member of the mid-term evaluation committee of Mickaël Salaun (PhD student of Telecom Sud Paris), March 2014.

  • Christophe Bidan was a member of the mid-term evaluation committee of Malek Belhaouane (PhD student of Telecom Sud Paris), March 2014.