Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
National Initiatives
The ANR-project Monumentalg, led by M. Ribot, is devoted to the modeling and simulation of biological damage on monuments and algae proliferation.
National and European networks
The research group MoMaS (Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation for Nuclear Waste Management Problems ) has activities centered around scientific computing, design of new numerical schemes and mathematical modelling (upscaling, homogenization, sensitivity studies, inverse problems,...). Its goal is to coordinate research in this area, as well as to promote the emergence of focused groups around specific projects
S. Junca is involved in the GdR-e “Wave Propagation in Complex Media for Quantitative and non Destructive Evaluation”.
GdR EGRIN is a newly created CNRS-network, devoted to gravitational flows and naturals risks; Coffee is among the members of this network.