Section: Dissemination


  • Alain Darte was invited to give a long keynote (1h30), as an introduction to polyhedral techniques (“Polyhedral optimizations? Not even scared!” [2] ), to the spanish Conference Jornadas Sarteco, the equivalent of the french COMPAS conference, see http://www.jornadassarteco.org/transparencias-de-las-charlas-invitadas/ .

  • In Sep. 2014, together with ten other specialists in automatic parallelization, Paul Feautrier recorded a lecture on the “polyhedral model” for a video course on automatic parallelization to be published by the IEEE.

  • Paul Feautrier's 1988 “Array Expansion” seminal paper has been selected for the 25th Anniversary Volume of the ACM International Conference on Supercomputing, with 34 other papers, among 1800 papers published from 1987 to 2011. A short “reminescence” paper [13] has been written for the occasion. http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=2591635.2591641 .

  • Alain Darte participated to the “Refresh” Inria Rhône-Alpes initiative, for improving the scientific life of the Inria regional center, as well as to the working group on “team management”.