Section: New Software and Platforms


Participants : Christophe Alias, Alexandru Plesco [XtremLogic] .

Dcc (DPN C Compiler) compiles a C program annotated with pragmas to a data-aware process network (DPN), a regular process network close to a circuit description that makes explicit the I/O transfers and the synchronizations. Dcc features throughput optimization, communication vectorization, and automatic parallelization.

Dcc is registered at the APP (“agence de protection des programmes”) and has been transferred to the XtremLogic start-up under an Inria licence. It uses a patented technology [12] and serves as a front-end for the HLS suite of the XtremLogic start-up. Dcc has been implemented by Christophe Alias, using the PoCo compiler infrastructure (Section  5.6 ) and the Bee tool (Section  5.7 ). It represents more than 3000 lines of C++ code.