Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Technological Transfer: XtremLogic Start-Up

The XtremLogic start-up (former Zettice project) was initiated 3 years ago by Alexandru Plesco and Christophe Alias, after the PhD thesis of Alexandru Plesco under the guidance of Christophe Alias, Alain Darte and Tanguy Risset. The goal of XtremLogic is to build on the disruptive technologies emerging from the polyhedral compilation community, and particularly the results obtained in Compsys to provide the HPC market with efficient and communication-optimal circuit blocks (IP) for FPGA.

The compiler technology transferred to XtremLogic (see Section  6.2 ) is the result of a tight collaboration between Christophe Alias and Alexandru Plesco. XtremLogic is a unique opportunity to spread the polyhedral technology to industry.

XtremLogic won several prizes and grants: “concours émergence OSEO 2013” at Banque Publique d'Investissement, “most promising start-up award” at SAME 2013, “lean Startup award” at Startup Weekend Lyon 2012, “excel&rate award 2012” from Crealys incubation center.