Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Teaching by Éric Fleury

Éric Fleury is Professor at the Computer Science department of ENS de Lyon and holds a Inria chair.

  • Master : CR15 - Complex Networks, 18H, M2, ENS de Lyon, France

  • Licence/Master : Alter-disciplinary course, Complexe network: an interdisciplinary approche 6H, L3, M1, M2, ENS de Lyon, France

Teaching by Thomas Begin
  • Licence : "Networks", 18h, Bachelor (L3), University Lyon 1, France

  • Master : "Networking", 63h, Master (M1), University Lyon 1, France

  • Master : "Advanced Networks", 50h, Master (M2), University Lyon 1, France

  • Master : "Computer Networks", 12h, Master (M1), ENS de Lyon, France

Teaching by Christophe Crespelle
  • Master : "Introduction to Graph Algorithms", 21h, Master (1st year), Institute of Mathematics Hanoi, Vietnam

  • Licence : "Combinatorial Optimization", 12h, Bachelor (4th year), Vietnam National University of Hanoi, Vietnam

  • Master : "Introduction to Graph Algorithms", 30h, Master (1st year), Institute of Mathematics Hanoi, Vietnam

Teaching by Isabelle Guérin Lassous

Professor at Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 in the Computer Science since 2006. She lectures at the University.

  • Master : "Networking", 20h, Master (M1), University Lyon 1, France

  • Master : "QoS and Multimedia Networks", 30h, Master (M2), University Lyon 1, France

  • Master : "Wireless Networks", 15h, Master (M2), University Lyon 1, France

  • Master : "Introduction to Networking", 30h, Master (M2), University Lyon 1, France

Teaching by Márton Karsai

Márton Karsai is an Assistant Professor at ENS Lyon in the Computer Science Department since 2013 and holds a Inria Chair. He is the co-responsible for the Complex Networks Master 2 program. His lectures in 2014:

  • Master : CR15 - Complex Networks, 18H, M2, ENS de Lyon, France

  • Master : Dynamical Processes on Networks, 4H, M2, ENS de Lyon, France

  • Master : Modelling Social Systems, 6H, M2, ENS de Lyon, France

  • Licence/Master : Alter-disciplinary course, Complexe network: an interdisciplinary approach 4H, L3, M1, M2, ENS de Lyon,

Teaching by Paulo Gonçalves
  • Postgraduate level: Course (theory and practice) on Signal Processing (80 hours Eq. TD), CPE Lyon, France.


  • Shubhabrata Roy, A Complete Framework for Modelling Workload Volatility of a VoD System: a Perspective to Probabilistic Management, Université de Lyon, June 2014, P. Gonçalves and T. Begin

In Progress
  • Thiago Abreu, Modeling and performance analysis of IEEE 802.11-based chain networks, Université de Lyon, defense scheduled on Mars 2015, I. Guérin-Lassous and T. Begin

  • Lucie Martinet, Dynamic contact networks and diffusion process, Oct 2011, E. Fleury and C. Crespelle

  • Benjamin Girault, Signal processing on graph, Oct 2012, E. Fleury and P. Gonçalves

  • Matteo Morini, New tools for understanding the dynamics of social networks, Oct 2013, E. Fleury, P. Jensen and M. Karsai

  • Yannick Leo, Diffusion process and community structure in complex networks, Oct 2013, E. Fleury, C. Crespelle, and M. Karsai

  • Huu Nghi Nguyen, Admission control and controllers allocation for SDN networks, Sept 2014, I. Guérin Lassous, A. Busson and T. Begin

  • Mohammed Amer, Optimisation and planning of Wi-Fi based networks: SDN paradigm, Nov 2014, I. Guérin Lassous, A. Busson

  • Elie Rotenberg, An approach for a reliable estimation of the properties of the Internet topology, September 2010, Matthieu Latapy and Christophe Crespelle

  • Laurent Reynaud, Optimized mobility strategies for interference tolerance and energie saving in wireless networks, Oct 2013, . Guérin Lassous


Eric Fleury

was member of the PhD examination board of: Nicolas Tremblay, Daniel Bernades.

Eric Fleury

was member of the HdR examination board of: Michael Hauspie, Pierre Borgnat.

Anthony Busson

was reviewer and member of the PhD examination board of: Sebastien Faye, Salim Allal.

Christophe Crespelle

was member of the PhD examination board of Pham Van Trung, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology.

Isabelle Guérin Lassous

was member of the PhD examination board of: Jordan Augé (reviewer)

Isabelle Guérin Lassous

was member of the HdR examination board of: Nadjib Achir (reviewer), Hervé Rivano, Tara Ali Yahiya (reviewer), Marco Fiore.

Paulo Gonçalves

was reviewer and member of the PhD examination board of Sergey Kirgizov.