Section: New Software and Platforms
Sensor Network Tools: drivers, OS and more
As outcomes of the Equipped FIT IoT-LAB, ANR SensLAB project and the Inria ADT SensTOOLS and SensAS, several softwares (from low level drivers to OSes) were delivered and made available to the research community. The main goal is to lower the cost of developing/deploying a large scale wireless sensor network application. All software are gathered under the IoT-LAB web site: web page where one can find:
ports of the main OS, mainly FreeRTOS, Contiki, TinyOS, Riot, Linux;
ports and development of higher level library like routing, localization.
IoT-LAB software is licensed under a CeCILL License. IoT-LAB users are welcome to contribute code, papers, tutorials or experiments reports.