Section: Dissemination

Institutional commitment

  • Éric Fleury is Vice-Chairman of the Inria Grenoble Rhône Alpes projects committee

  • Éric Fleury is member of the Inria Evaluation Committee and member of the board.

  • Éric Fleury is member of the junior research position (CR2) jury at Inria Sophia

  • Éric Fleury is member of the research (CR1) jury at Inria Sophia

  • Éric Fleury is member of the Starting Research Position and Advanced Research position jury

  • Paulo Gonçalves is scientific correspondent of the International Relations for Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes

  • Paulo Gonçalves is member of the Comité de Développement Technologique of Inria Grenoble - Rhône-Alpes

  • Isabelle Guérin Lassous is member of the researcher support commission of the Inria Grenoble Rhône Alpes