Section: New Software and Platforms
Coqine, Holide, Focalide and Sigmaid
Dedukti comes with four companion tools: Holide , an embedding of HOL proofs through the OpenTheory format [41] , Coqine , an embedding of Coq proofs, Focalide , an embedding of FoCaLiZe certified programs, and Sigmaid , a type-checker for the simply-typed -calculus with subtyping and a translator to Dedukti. All of the OpenTheory standard library and a part of Coq's and FoCaLiZe's libraries are checked by Dedukti.
A preliminary version of Coqine supports the following features of Coq: the raw Calculus of Constructions, inductive types, and fixpoint definitions. Coqine is currently being rewritten to support universes. Coqine has been developed by Mathieu Boespflug, Guillaume Burel, and Ali Assaf.
Holide supports all the features of HOL, including ML-polymorphism, constant definitions, and type definitions. It is able to translate all of the OpenTheory standard theory library. Holide has been developed by Ali Assaf.
Focalide has been improved to support FoCaLiZe proofs found by Zenon using the Dedukti backend for Zenon developped by Frédéric Gilbert. This backend has been improved by a simple typing mechanism in order to work with Focalide. Focalide has also been updated again to work with the latest version of FoCaLiZe.
Sigmaid implements a shallow embedding of the simply-typed -calculus of Abadi and Cardelli with subtyping in the -calculus modulo. This translation has been proved[21] to preserve the typing judgments and the semantics of the simply-typed -calculus and tested on the examples of Abadi and Cardelli.
Focalide and Sigmaid have been developed by Raphaël Cauderlier.
Translators from Version 2.0 of the SMT-LIB standard and from the SMT-solver veriT have been initiated. They are currently developed by Frédéric Gilbert.