Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR Locali

We are coordinators of the ANR-NFSC contract Locali with the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


We are members of the ANR BWare, which started on September 2012 (David Delahaye is the national leader of this project). The aim of this project is to provide a mechanized framework to support the automated verification of proof obligations coming from the development of industrial applications using the B method. The methodology used in this project consists in building a generic platform of verification relying on different theorem provers, such as first order provers and SMT solvers. We are in particular involved in the introduction of Deduction modulo in the first order theorem provers of the project, i.e. Zenon and iProver, as well as in the backend for these provers with the use of Dedukti.

The ANR mid-term review of the project took place in October 2014 and the members of the project received very positive feedbacks from the reviewers. A more detailed report is expected from the reviewers in early 2015.

ANR Tarmac

We are members of the ANR Tarmac on models of computation, coordinated by Pierre Valarcher.