Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
Project title: Mathematical Analysis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) and its treatments
Other partners: Inria Paris-Rocquencourt, France, L2S, France, UPMC, St Antoine Hospital Paris
Abstract: this project follows the regional projects ALMA (2010-2014) and ALMA2 (2011-2013). Starting from the work of J. L. Avila Alonso's PhD thesis in ALMA the aim of this project is to provide a refined coupled model of healthy and cancer cell dynamics in AML whose (stability) analysis will enable evaluation of polychemiotherapies delivered in the case of AML which have a high level of Flt-3 duplication (Flt-3-ITD).
Project title: Monotonie, observaterus par intervalles et systèmes à retard.
Other partners: L2S, France, Mines-ParisTech, France
Abstract: MOISYR is concerned with the problem of extending the theory of monotone systems to the main families of continuous time systems with delay along with the application of this theory to the design of observers and interval observers. In particular, nonlinear systems with pointwise and distributed delays and stabilizable systems with delay in the input shall be considered. In a second step, we extend our result to discrete time systems and to a specific class of continuous/discrete systems calles Networked Control Systems.