Section: Dissemination
Promoting Scientific Activities
Scientific events organisation
general chair, scientific chair
Benoit Combemale:
chair for the program committee of SLE'14, the 7th International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE), Sweden, October 2014.
co-chair of the demonstration track of the 17th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), Spain, October, 2014.
co-chair of the workshop GEMOC, co-located with the 17th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), Spain, October, 2014.
co-chair of the Dagstuhl seminar #14412 on Globalizing Domain-Specific Languages, Germany, October, 2014.
co-chair of MDD4DRES 2014, the International School on Model-Driven Development for Distributed Realtime Embedded Systems, France, September, 2014.
Benoit Baudry:
Co-chair of the PC, New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER) track at ICSE'14
Chair of the doctoral symposium, International Conference on Model Driven Engineering, Languages and Systems (MODELS)
Member of the Steering committee, International Conference on Model Driven Engineering, Languages and Systems (MODELS)
Jean-Marc Jézéquel:
co-chair of the Dagstuhl seminar #14412 on Globalizing Domain-Specific Languages, Germany, October, 2014.
member of the organizing committee
Mathieu Acher has organized the SPLTea workshop (co-located with the Software Product Line Conference) and Journée ligne de produits (7th edition) in Paris (Sorbonne).
Scientific events selection
responsable of the conference program committee
Jean-Marc Jézéquel has been a member of the program board:
MODELS 2014, The 17th International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems Valencia, Spain, October 2014 (PB)
ICSE 2014 The 36th International Conference on Software Engineering, Hyderabad, India, June 2014 (PB)
Benoit Baudry:
Member of the Steering committee, International Conference on Model Driven Engineering, Languages and Systems (MODELS)
member of the conference program committee
Benoit Baudry:
International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)
International Conference on Model Driven Engineering, Languages and Systems (MODELS)
International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ)
Mathieu Acher:
ICSE'15 (NIER) : 37th International Conference on Software Engineering - New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER)
ICSE'14 (NIER) : 36th International Conference on Software Engineering - New Ideas and Emerging Results (NIER)
ICSE'14 (SEIP) : 36th International Conference on Software Engineering - Software Engineering In Practice (SEIP)
SPLC'14 : 18th International Software Product Line Conference
SEAA'14 : Euromicro Conference series on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications
FOSD'14 : Sixth International Workshop on Feature-Oriented Software Development (at ASE)
SPLTea : First International Workshop on Software Product Line Teaching
REVE'14 : 2nd International Workshop on Reverse Variability Engineering (at SPLC)
Olivier Barais:
HPCC'14, The 16th IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications, Paris, France
SEAA'14, The 40th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced Applications (SEAA 2014) Verona, Italy 2014
SAC'14, The 29th Symposium On Applied Computing Gyeongju, Korea.
SPLat 2014, The 1st International Workshop on Software Product Line Analysis Tools, Convitto della Calza, sala Franciabigio
VAO'14, The 2nd Workshop on View-Based, Aspect-Oriented and Orthographic Software Modelling, York, United Kingdom
WEITICE'2014, the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Infrastructure University Campus Parma, Italy
CIEL'14, the 3rd French Conference in Software Engineering. CNAM, Paris,
CAL'14, the 5th French Conference in Software Architecture. Paris,
Arnaud Blouin:
Johann Bourcier:
Benoit Combemale:
APSEC'14, The 21st Asia-Pacific Software Engineering Conference, Korea, 2014.
ICMT'14, The 7th International Conference on Model Transformation, UK, 2014.
ECMFA'14, The 10th European Conference on Modelling Foundations and Applications, UK, 2014.
VOLT workshop on Verification Of ModeL Transformation (VOLT), at STAF’14, UK, 2014.
Jean-Marc Jézéquel:
Formal Demonstrations of ICSE 2014 The 36nd International Conference on Software Engineering, Hyderabad, India, June 1-7, 2014
VaMoS 2014 The 8th International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems January 22-24, 2014 - Nice, France
SLE 2014 7th International Conference on Software Language Engineering (SLE) September 15-16, 2014 Västerås, Sweden
GPCE 2014 13th International Conference on Generative Programming: Concepts & Experiences September 15-16, 2014 Västerås, Sweden
Noël Plouzeau:
Arnaud Blouin:
EICS'14, ACM SIGCHI symposium on Engineering interactive computing systems.
NordiCHI'14, Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction.
IHM'14, French speaking conference on human-computer interaction.
Benoit Combemale: external reviewer for ICSE'13 (International Conference on Software Engineering).
member of the editorial board
Benoit Baudry is an Associate Editor of the following journal:
Jean-Marc Jézéquel is Associate Editor-in-Chief of
Jean-Marc Jézéquel is an Associate Editor of the following journal:
Noël Plouzeau is chief editor of a special issue of the TSI French research journal, dedicated to software engineering.
Benoit Combemale is a member of the editorial board of the following journal:
Mathieu Acher: reviewer for journals: ACM Computing Surveys, Information and Software Technology (IST), IEEE Software, Automated Software Engineering: An International Journal (ASE), Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments (JAISE), Journal in Computers in Biology and Medicine (CBM), International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT), Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), Journal of Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM).
Olivier Barais: external reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Journal of Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), Journal of Software System (JSS), ACM TaaS (Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems), STVR (Software Testing, Verification and Reliability).
Arnaud Blouin: external reviewer for SoSyM (Journal of Software and Systems Modeling).
Johann Bourcier: external reviewer for TaaS (Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems), and JSS (Journal of Systems and Software).
Benoit Combemale: external reviewer for IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Journal of Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM).
Noël Plouzeau: external reviewer for JSS (Journal of Systems and Software).