Section: New Results
Communication-Computation Overlap in Massively Parallel System-on-Chip
The Synchronous Communication Asynchronous Computation (SCAC) model is an execution model dedicated to the Massively Parallel System-on-Chip. This model proposes a novel processing paradigm, teh communication-computation overlap [17] . This concept does not only consider the programming level but also the implementation level. Using a decoupled control structure, the synchronous communication control is performed independently of the asynchronous computation control. Separating these two control phases allows the programmer to define programming strategies that overlap communication by computation to decrease the execution time.
To achieve this communication-computation overlap in SCAC architecture while avoiding the centralized control, in addition to the master controller, we define a second hierarchical control level, namely the slave controllers. The concept of this dual ontrol structure departs from the centralized configuration and instead of a uni-processor master controlling a set of parallel Processing Elements (PEs), the master cooperates with a grid of parallel slave controllers which supervises the activities of cluster of PEs. Based on this decoupled control structure, the programmer can manage the master-slave program to overlap communication by computation phase. Therefore, the basic idea to implement this paradigm is to divide the principal program into small blocks of parallel instructions, called Slave Program (SP), and send these blocks to the activated PEs of the system. Then, according to a predefined mask, the slave controllers send the begin execution orders. In parallel to computation, the slave controllers manage the synchronous inter-node communication. Distinguish communication from computation needs the separation of these two phases in different blocks. This repartition should be provided at programming level. Then, the overlapped execution of these blocks will be done in parallel according to the program description.
The aim of these last works is to define a new paradigm of a communication-computation overlap in massively parallel System-on-Chip. This paradigm allows to decrease the execution time of parallel programs using specific strategies in the programming level and a partially decoupled control system in the hardware level. The difficulty of implementing this paradigm lies in the coordination between the programming level and the architecture designing level in order to hide the communication cost.