Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria Associate Teams
Title: Bioinformatics and mathematical methods for heterogeneous omics data
International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):
IntegrativeBioChile is an Associate Team between Inria project-team "Dyliss" and the "Laboratory of Bioinformatics and Mathematics of the Genome" hosted at CMM at University of Chile. The Associated team is funded from 2011 to 2016. The project aims at developing bioinformatics and mathematical methods for heterogeneous omics data. Within this program, we funded long and short stay visitings in France.
Inria International Labs
The Dyliss team is strongly involved in the Inria CIRIC center, and the research line "Omics integrative center": the associated team "IntegrativeBioChile", the post-doc of S. Thiele (2012) and the co-supervised of A. Aravena (2010-2013) contributed to reinforce the complementarity of both Chilean and French teams. In 2013, a workshop was organized in Chile to develop new French-Chilean collaboration within the framework of the CIRIC center. In 2014, Marie Chevallier joined the team as an engineer to reinforce software resulting from common collaborations.