Section: New Software and Platforms


Participants : Axel Legay [Coordinator] , Fabrizio Biondi [Coordinator] , Jean Quilbeuf.

Privacy is a central for Systems of Systems and interconnected objects. We propose QUAIL, a tool that can be used to quantify privacy of components. QUAIL is the only tool able to perform an arbitrary-precision quantitative analysis of the security of a system depending on private information. Thanks to its Markovian semantics model, QUAIL computes the correlation between the system’s observable output and the private information, obtaining the amount of bits of the secret that the attacker will infer by observing the output. QUAIL is open source and can be downloaded at https://project.inria.fr/quail/ .

QUAIL is able to evaluate the safety of randomized protocols depending on secret data, allowing to verify a security protocol’s effectiveness. QUAIL can also be used to find previously unknown security vulnerabilities in software systems and security protocols. The tool can verify whether a protocol is protecting its secret in a perfect way, and quantify how much the secret is exposed to being revealed otherwise.

QUAIL has been used to quantify whether voting protocols respect the anonymity of the voters, proving that preference ranking voting schemes are more secure than single preference ones. It has also been applied to the security of smart grids and a number of classic examples like dining cryptographers, authentication protocols and grades protocol.

Since its initial release in 2013, QUAIL's algorithm has been improved employing abstract trace exploration and statistical estimation techniques, making it thousands of times faster than the initial version and outperforming other comparable analysis tools on most use cases.