Section: New Results
Automatic Mesh Generation of Multiface Models on Multicore Processors
Participant : Patrick Laug [correspondant] .
This work started in September 2014, as part of a sabbatical at Polytechnique Montréal. In a previous study, a parallel version of an indirect approach for meshing composite surfaces – also called multiface models – was developed. However, this methodology could be inefficient in practice, as the memory management of most existing CAD (computer aided design) systems use static global caches to save information. In our new approach, CAD queries are fully parallelized, using the Pirate library from Polytechnique Montréal. This library provides a set of C++ classes that implement STEP-compliant B-Rep geometric and topological entities, as well as classes to represent meshes and solutions. By modifying the data structures so that memory caches are local to each face of the geometric model, geometric primitives can efficiently be evaluated in parallel, and performance measurements show significant gains.