Section: New Results
Serendipity and reduced elements
Participants : Paul Louis George [correspondant] , Houman Borouchaki, Nicolas Barral.
We give a method to constructing Serendipity elements for quads and hexes with full symmetry properties and indicate the reading of their shape functions. We show that, since the degree 5, the Serendipity elements are no longer symmetric but we propose a method resulting in a Lagrange element of degree 5 with full symmetry properties after adding an adequate number of additional nodes.
On the other hand, we show how to guarantee the geometric validity of a given curved element (seen as a patch) of a mesh. This is achieved after writing the patch in a Bézier setting (Bernstein polynomials and control points). In addition, we discuss the case of patch derived from a transfinite interpolation and it is proved that only some of them are Serendipity elements indeed, we return to the same elements as above
We also give a method to constructing Lagrange Serendipity (or reduced) simplices with a detailed description of the triangles of degree 3 and 4. We indicate that higher order triangles are not candidate apart if we impose a restricted polynomial space. We show that a tetrahedron of degree 3 is a candidate while high order elements are not candidate even if a restriction in the polynomial space is considered. In addition, we propose a method for the validation of such elements, in a given mesh, where the validation means the positiveness of the jacobian.
A technical report have been published [29] .