Section: Dissemination
Teaching - Supervision - Juries
Master : J.D. Boissonnat, C. Maria, M. Yvinec, Algorithmic Geometry of Triangulations, 24h, International Master Sophia Antipolis.
Master : S. Oudot, Computational Geometry: from Theory to Applications, 18h, École polytechnique.
Master : S. Oudot, Geometric Methods for Data Analysis, 12h, École Centrale Paris.
Master: Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Frédéric Chazal Computational Geometric Learning, 24h, Master MPRI, Paris.
M. Teillaud, Génération de maillages dans la bibliothèque CGAL, in the framework of a training course for young researchers (PhD students and master students on environmental sciences) on modelling, organized by ECCOREV, 3h, Aix-en-Provence.
HDR: Steve Oudot, Persistence Theory: From Quiver Representations to Data Analysis [14] , Université Paris-Sud, November 26th 2014.
PhD : Clément Maria, Algorithms and Data Structures in Computational Topology [13] , Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, October 28, 2014, Jean-Daniel Boissonnat.
PhD: Ross Hemsley, Probabilistic methods for the analysis of algorithms on random tessellations [12] , Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, December 16, 2014, Olivier Devillers.
PhD: Mickaël Buchet, Topological and geometric inference from measures [11] , Université Paris XI, December 2014, Frédéric Chazal and Steve Oudot.
PhD in progress: Thomas Bonis, Topological persistence for learning, started on December 2013, Frédéric Chazal.
PhD in progress: Mathieu Carrière, Topological signatures for geometric shapes, started in November 2014, Steve Oudot.
PhD in progress: Ruqi Huang, Algorithms for topological inference in metric spaces, started on December 2013, Frédéric Chazal.
PhD in progress: Eddie Amaari, A statistical approach of topological Data Analysis, started on Sept. 2014, Frédéric Chazal (co-advised with Pascal Massart).
PhD in progress : Rémy Thomasse, Smoothed complexity of geometric structures and algorithms, started December 1st 2012, Olivier Devillers.
PhD in progress : Mael Rouxel-Labbé, Anisotropic Mesh Generation, started October 1st, 2013, Jean-Daniel Boissonnat and Mariette Yvinec.
PhD in progress : Alba Chiri de Vitis, Computational Geometry in High Dimensions, started February 2014. Jean-Daniel Boissonnat and David Cohen-Steiner.
Monique Teillaud was a member of the HDR defense committee of Francis Lazarus (univ. Grenoble).
Monique Teillaud was a member of the PhD defense committee of Yacine Bouzidi (Univ. de Lorraine).
Monique Teillaud was a member of the PhD defense committee (member of the three-member advisory committee) of Vissarion Fisikopoulos (Univ. Athens, Grece).
Monique Teillaud was a member of the PhD defense committee of Arnaud de Mesmay (École Normale Supérieure).
Jean-Daniel Boissonnat was a member of the HDR defense committees of Q. Mérigot and S. Oudot.
Frédéric Chazal was a member (reviewer) of the PhD defense of Arnaud de Mesmay (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris).
Frédéric Chazal was a member of the PhD defense of Clément Levrard (Université Paris-Sud).
Steve Oudot was a member of the PhD defense of Clément Maria (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis).
Marc Glisse was a member of the PhD defense committee of Octavio Razafindramanana, Université François Rabelais de Tours.
Thomas Bonis, image and shape classification using persistent homology (F. Chazal)
François Godi, Computing the bottleneck distance for persistence diagrams (Jean-Daniel Boissonnat)
Venkata Yamajala, Equating the witness and the Delaunay complexes (Jean-Daniel Boissonnat)
Chunyuan Li, Persistence-based object recognition (F. Chazal and M. Ovsjanikov)
Mathieu Carrière, local topological signatures for shapes (S. Oudot)