Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master : J.D. Boissonnat, C. Maria, M. Yvinec, Algorithmic Geometry of Triangulations, 24h, International Master Sophia Antipolis.

  • Master : S. Oudot, Computational Geometry: from Theory to Applications, 18h, École polytechnique.

  • Master : S. Oudot, Geometric Methods for Data Analysis, 12h, École Centrale Paris.

  • Master: Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Frédéric Chazal Computational Geometric Learning, 24h, Master MPRI, Paris.

  • M. Teillaud, Génération de maillages dans la bibliothèque CGAL, in the framework of a training course for young researchers (PhD students and master students on environmental sciences) on modelling, organized by ECCOREV, 3h, Aix-en-Provence.


  • HDR: Steve Oudot, Persistence Theory: From Quiver Representations to Data Analysis [14] , Université Paris-Sud, November 26th 2014.

  • PhD : Clément Maria, Algorithms and Data Structures in Computational Topology [13] , Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, October 28, 2014, Jean-Daniel Boissonnat.

  • PhD: Ross Hemsley, Probabilistic methods for the analysis of algorithms on random tessellations [12] , Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis, December 16, 2014, Olivier Devillers.

  • PhD: Mickaël Buchet, Topological and geometric inference from measures [11] , Université Paris XI, December 2014, Frédéric Chazal and Steve Oudot.

  • PhD in progress: Thomas Bonis, Topological persistence for learning, started on December 2013, Frédéric Chazal.

  • PhD in progress: Mathieu Carrière, Topological signatures for geometric shapes, started in November 2014, Steve Oudot.

  • PhD in progress: Ruqi Huang, Algorithms for topological inference in metric spaces, started on December 2013, Frédéric Chazal.

  • PhD in progress: Eddie Amaari, A statistical approach of topological Data Analysis, started on Sept. 2014, Frédéric Chazal (co-advised with Pascal Massart).

  • PhD in progress : Rémy Thomasse, Smoothed complexity of geometric structures and algorithms, started December 1st 2012, Olivier Devillers.

  • PhD in progress : Mael Rouxel-Labbé, Anisotropic Mesh Generation, started October 1st, 2013, Jean-Daniel Boissonnat and Mariette Yvinec.

  • PhD in progress : Alba Chiri de Vitis, Computational Geometry in High Dimensions, started February 2014. Jean-Daniel Boissonnat and David Cohen-Steiner.


  • Monique Teillaud was a member of the HDR defense committee of Francis Lazarus (univ. Grenoble).

  • Monique Teillaud was a member of the PhD defense committee of Yacine Bouzidi (Univ. de Lorraine).

  • Monique Teillaud was a member of the PhD defense committee (member of the three-member advisory committee) of Vissarion Fisikopoulos (Univ. Athens, Grece).

  • Monique Teillaud was a member of the PhD defense committee of Arnaud de Mesmay (École Normale Supérieure).

  • Jean-Daniel Boissonnat was a member of the HDR defense committees of Q. Mérigot and S. Oudot.

  • Frédéric Chazal was a member (reviewer) of the PhD defense of Arnaud de Mesmay (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris).

  • Frédéric Chazal was a member of the PhD defense of Clément Levrard (Université Paris-Sud).

  • Steve Oudot was a member of the PhD defense of Clément Maria (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis).

  • Marc Glisse was a member of the PhD defense committee of Octavio Razafindramanana, Université François Rabelais de Tours.


  • Thomas Bonis, image and shape classification using persistent homology (F. Chazal)

  • François Godi, Computing the bottleneck distance for persistence diagrams (Jean-Daniel Boissonnat)

  • Venkata Yamajala, Equating the witness and the Delaunay complexes (Jean-Daniel Boissonnat)

  • Chunyuan Li, Persistence-based object recognition (F. Chazal and M. Ovsjanikov)

  • Eddie Aamari, topological Data Analysis (F. Chazal)

  • Mathieu Carrière, local topological signatures for shapes (S. Oudot)