Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

Technological Development Actions


Participants : Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Frédéric Chazal, David Cohen-Steiner, Sonali Digambar Patil, Marc Glisse, Steve Oudot, Clément Maria, Mariette Yvinec.

- Title: Persistent Homology

- Coordinator: Mariette Yvinec (Geometrica )

- Duration: 1 year renewable once, starting date December 2012. Renewed for 1 year from January 1st 2014 to December 31t 2014

- Others Partners: Inria team abs , Gipsa Lab (UMR 5216, Grenoble, http://www.gipsa-lab.inpg.fr/ )

- Abstract: Geometric Inference is a rapidly emerging field that aims to analyse the structural, geometric and topological, properties of point cloud data in high dimensional spaces. The goal of the ADT PH is to make available, a robust and comprehensive set of algorithmic tools resulting from recent advances in Geometric Inference. The software will include:

  • tools to extract from the data sets, families of simplicial complexes,

  • data structures to handle those simplicial complexes,

  • algorithmic modules to compute the persistent homology of those complexes,

  • applications to clustering, segmentation and analysis of scalar fields such as the energy landscape of macromolecular systems.


Participants : Aymeric Pellé, Monique Teillaud.

- Title: OrbiCGAL

- Coordinator: Monique Teillaud (Geometrica )

- Duration: 1 year renewable once, starting date September 2013.

- Abstract: OrbiCGAL is a software project supported by Inria as a Technological Development Action (ADT). It is motivated by applications ranging from infinitely small (nano-structures) to infinitely large (astronomy), through material engineering, physics of condensed matter, solid chemistry, etc

The project consists in developing or improving software packages to compute triangulations and meshes in several types of non-Euclidean spaces: sphere, 3D closed flat manifolds, hyperbolic plane.