Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR Présage

Participants : Olivier Devillers, Marc Glisse, Ross Hemsley, Monique Teillaud, Rémy Thomasse.

- Acronym: Presage.

- Type: ANR blanc.

- Title: méthodes PRobabilistes pour l'Éfficacité des Structures et Algorithmes GÉométriques.

- Coordinator: Xavier Goaoc.

- Duration: 31 december 2011 - 31 december 2015.

- Other partners: Inria vegas team, University of Rouen.

- Abstract: This project brings together computational and probabilistic geometers to tackle new probabilistic geometry problems arising from the design and analysis of geometric algorithms and data structures. We focus on properties of discrete structures induced by or underlying random continuous geometric objects. This raises questions such as:

  • What does a random geometric structure (convex hulls, tessellations, visibility regions...) look like?

  • How to analyze and optimize the behavior of classical geometric algorithms on usual inputs?

  • How can we generate randomly interesting discrete geometric structures?

- Year publications: [56] , [33] , [48] , [52] , [62] , [61] , [12]


Participants : Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Frédéric Chazal, David Cohen-Steiner, Mariette Yvinec, Steve Oudot, Marc Glisse, Clément Levrard.

- Acronym : TopData.

- Title : Topological Data Analysis: Statistical Methods and Inference.

- Type : ANR blanc

- Coordinator : Frédéric Chazal (Geometrica )

- Duration : 4 years starting October 2013.

- Others Partners: Département de Mathématiques (Université Paris Sud), Institut de Mathḿatiques ( Université de Bourgogne), LPMA ( Université Paris Diderot), LSTA (Université Pierre et Marie Curie)

- Abstract: TopData aims at designing new mathematical frameworks, models and algorithmic tools to infer and analyze the topological and geometric structure of data in different statistical settings. Its goal is to set up the mathematical and algorithmic foundations of Statistical Topological and Geometric Data Analysis and to provide robust and efficient tools to explore, infer and exploit the underlying geometric structure of various data.

Our conviction, at the root of this project, is that there is a real need to combine statistical and topological/geometric approaches in a common framework, in order to face the challenges raised by the inference and the study of topological and geometric properties of the wide variety of larger and larger available data. We are also convinced that these challenges need to be addressed both from the mathematical side and the algorithmic and application sides. Our project brings together in a unique way experts in Statistics, Geometric Inference and Computational Topology and Geometry. Our common objective is to design new theoretical frameworks and algorithmic tools and thus to contribute to the emergence of a new field at the crossroads of these domains. Beyond the purely scientific aspects we hope this project will help to give birth to an active interdisciplinary community. With these goals in mind we intend to promote, disseminate and make our tools available and useful for a broad audience, including people from other fields.

- See also: http://geometrica.saclay.inria.fr/collaborations/TopData/Home.html