Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries

Seminars, presentations

  • H. Yahia has given a presentation at the Séminaire Cristolien d'Analyse Multifractale (SCAM), headed by S. Jaffard: Exposants de singularité en formalisme microcanonique et analyse multirésolutions quasi-optimale, Jan 16, 2014.

  • H. Yahia was invited to make a presentation: Edges, transitions, criticality: novel nonlinear characterizations of low-level transition features in signal processing and applications to cross-scale inference in complex signals at the ISIVC 2014 conference http://www.i3e.ma/isivc2014/keynote.php .

  • O. Pont was invited to make a presentation: Cardiodynamic Complexity: Electrocardiographic Characterization of Arrhythmic Foci[22] .

  • K. Daoudi was invited by Dr. Jon Gudnason to give a lecture on nonlinear speech analysis at Reykjavik university, Iceland.

  • H. Badri has made a presentation at Journées de l'EDMI (Bordeaux - France), November 2014.

  • H. Badri has made a presentation in the MANAO team: Recovering Gradient Fields with Multi-Sparse Priors March 26, 2014.

  • H. Badri has made presentation at the "Signal-Image" seminar, co-organized by IMS-IMB-LaBRI in the framework of Labex CPU, May 15, 2014.

  • GEOSTAT has invited A. Bijaoui, astronomer Emeritus to give a seminar for the Inria BSO centre, June 3rd, 2014.

Courses, summer schools

  1. Mediterranean School of Complex Networks - (Salina, Sicily), June 9-13, attended by H. Badri.

  2. WIPO intellectual property certificate attended by H. Badri.

  3. University Teaching 101 - Johns Hopkins University certificate attended by H. Badri.


  • Licence : H. Badri, C2I course, 32 hours, L1 level, Bordeaux I University, France.

  • Master : K. Daoudi was invited by the Moroccan CNRST within the FINCOME'2014 program (http://www.fincome.cnrst.ma/ ) to give a 20 hours lecture on speech processing at the Master2 InfoTelecom of the faculty of science of Rabat (http://www.fsr.ac.ma/MIT/ ).


H. Yahia was a member of the PhD Jury of S. Chef (Le2I, UMR CNRS 6306, Laboratoire Electronique, Informatique et Image), defended November 25, 2014. Title: Contribution à l’analyse de signaux acquis par émission de photons. Dynamique pour l’étude de circuits à très haute intégration. Jury:

  • S. Binczak, professeur université de Bourgogne (directeur de thèse),

  • S. Jacquir, maitre de conférence université de Bourgogne (co-encadrant),

  • F. Morain-Nicolier, IUT de Troyes, (rapporteur),

  • K. Sanchez, docteur ingénieur CNES, (examinateur),

  • L. Torres, professeur LIRMM, (rapporteur),

  • H. Yahia, chargé de recherche Inria Bordeaux (examinateur).