Section: Dissemination
Institutional commitment
A. Couvreur is an elected member of Saclay's commité de centre.
A. Couvreur was a member of the commission for the recruitment of post-doc researchers in 2014 at LIX in the programm Qualcomm-Carnot.
A. Couvreur is the jeune chercheur référent for the commission de suivi doctoral of Inria Saclay.
D. Augot is a member of the conseil de l'école doctorale en informatique de Paris-Sud
D. Augot is the vice-head of Inria's comité de suivi doctoral
D. Augot and B. Smith were reviewers for ANRT CIFRE fundings.
F. Morain, J. Pieltant and B. Smith are elected members of the Conseil de Laboratoire of the LIX.
F. Morain is vice-head of the Département d'informatique of Ecole Polytechnique.
F. Morain represents École polytechnique in the committee in charge of Mention HPC in the Master de l'université Paris Saclay.
B. Smith is a Correspondant for International Relations at Saclay.
B. Smith is a member of the teaching committee of the Department of Computer Science of the École polytechnique.