Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Research Visitors
Visits to the GraphIK team
January 2014: Camille Pradel, IRIT. He gave a talk presenting his PhD results D'un langage de haut niveau à des requêtes graphes permettant d'interroger le web sémantique.
January 2014: Florent Domenach, Nicosia University, Chypre. He gave a talk Analyse formelle de concepts, application à l'analyse d'annotations sémantiques.
February 2014: Aymeric Ledorze, LERIA Aymeric Ledorze (LERIA). He gave a talk presenting his PhD results Validation, synthèse et paramétrage des cartes cognitives.
February 2014: Pierre Bisquert, IRIT. He gave a talk presenting his PhD results on Étude du changement en argumentation.
February 2014: Lakhdar Saïs, CRIL. He gave a talk on Approches déclaratives pour la fouille de données.
April 2014: Meghyn Bienvenu, LRI, One week work on query rewriting as part of the Pagoda project (see 8.1 ).
April 2014: Federico Ulliana, Inria Grenoble. He gave a talk on Deductive RDF Triplestores : domain-specific applications and bounded-size module extraction.
June 2014: Slawek Staworko, Inria Lille. He gave a talk on Prioritized Repairing and Consistent Query Answering in Relational Database.
September 2014: Jérôme Lang, LAMSADE. He gave a talk on Introduction au choix social computationnel.
October 2014: Bernardo Cuenca Grau, Department of Computer Science, Oxford. Work on algorithms for reasoning with existential rules.
October 2014: Meghyn Bienvenu, LRI, One week work on query rewriting as part of the Pagoda project (see 8.1 ).
Visits to International Teams
January 2014: Madalina Croitoru was invited by the Universitat Autonònoma de Barcelona (UAB). Work with Lluís Godo Lacasa (Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, IIIA) and Ricardo Rodriguez (University of Buenos Aires) on the axiomatisation of consistent query answering via belief revision (see 6.2 ).