Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Undergraduate level/Licence

    1. A. Esnard: Operating system programming, 36h, University Bordeaux I; Using network, 23h, University Bordeaux I.

      He is also in charge of the computer science certificate for Internet (C2i) at the University Bordeaux I.

    2. M. Faverge: Programming Environment, 26h, L3; Numerical Algorithmic, 30h, L3; C Projects, 20h, L3, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, France

    3. P. Ramet: System programming 24h, Databases 32h, Objet programming 48h, Distributed programming 32h, Cryptography 32h at Bordeaux University.

  • Post graduate level/Master

    1. O. Coulaud: Paradigms for parallel computing, 28h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence; Code coupling, 6h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.

    2. E. Agullo: Operating sysems, 24h, University Bordeaux I; Dense linear algebra kernels, 8h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca; Numerical Algorithms, 30h; ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.

    3. A. Esnard: Network management, 27h, University Bordeaux I; Network security, 27h, University Bordeaux I; Programming distributed applications, 35h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.

    4. M. Faverge: System Programming, 74h, M1; Load Balancing and Scheduling, 19h, M2, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.

      He is also in charge of the second year of Embedded Electronic Systems option at ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.

    5. P. Ramet: Scheduling, 8h; Numerical Algorithmic, 30h; ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.

      He also give classes on Cryptography, 30h, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

    6. L. Giraud: Introduction to intensive computing and related programming tools, 20h, INSA Toulouse; Introduction to high performance computing and applications, 20h, ISAE-ENSICA; On mathematical tools for numerical simulations, 10h, ENSEEIHT Toulouse; Parallel sparse linear algebra, 11h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.

    7. A. Guermouche: Network management, 92h, University Bordeaux I; Network security, 64h, University Bordeaux I; Operating system, 24h, University Bordeaux I.

    8. J. Roman: Parallel sparse linear algebra, 10h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence; Parallel algorithms, 22h, ENSEIRB-MatMeca, Talence.


  • Defended PhD thesis

    1. Yohann Dudouit, Scalable parallel elastodynamic solver with local refinment in geophysics, defended on December 8th, advisors: L. Giraud and S. Pernet (ONERA).

    2. Andra Hugo Composabilité de codes parallèles sur plateformes hétérogènes, defended on December 12th 2014, advisors: A. Guermouche, R. Namyst and P-A. Wacrenier.

    3. Clément Vuchener, Algorithmique de l'équilibrage de charge pour des couplages de codes complexes, defended on February 7th 2014. advisors: A. Esnard and J. Roman.

  • PhD in progress :

    1. Pierre Blanchard, Fast and accurate methods for dislocation dynamics, starting Oct. 2013, advisors: O. Coulaud and E. Darve (Stanford Univ.).

    2. Bérenger Bramas, Optimization of time domain BEM solvers, starting Jan 2013, advisors: O. Coulaud and G. Sylvand.

    3. Astrid Casadei, Scalabilité et robustesse numérique des solveurs hybrides pour machines massivement parallèles, starting Oct. 2011, advisors: F. Pellegrini and P. Ramet.

    4. Jean-Marie Couteyen, Parallélisation et passage à l'échelle du code FLUSEPA, starting Feb 2013, advisors : P. Brenner (Airbus Defence and Space) and J. Roman.

    5. Arnaud Etcheverry, Toward large scale dynamic dislocation simulation on petaflop computers, starting Oct. 2011, advisor: O. Coulaud.

    6. Xavier Lacoste, Scheduling and memory optimizations for sparse direct solver on multicore/multigpu cluster systems, starting Jan. 2012, advisors: F. Pellegrini and P. Ramet.

    7. Alexis Praga, Parallel atmospheric chemistry and transport model solver for massivelly platforms, starting Oct. 2011, advisors: D. Cariolle (CERFACS) and L. Giraud.

    8. Stojce Nakov, Parallel hybrid solver for heterogeneous manycores: application to geophysics, starting Oct. 2011, advisors: E. Agullo and J. Roman.

    9. Maria Predari, Dynamic Load Balancing for Massively Parallel Coupled Codes, starting Oct. 2013, advisors: A. Esnard and J. Roman.

    10. Louis Poirel, Two level hybrid linear solver, starting Nov. 2014, advisors: E. Agullo, M. Faverge and L. Giraud.

    11. Fabien Rozar, Peta and exaflop algorithms for turbulence simulations of fusion plasmas, starting Nov. 2012, advisors: G. Latu (CEA Cadarache) and J. Roman.

    12. Moustapha Salli, Design of a massively parallel version of the SN method for neutronic simulations, starting Oct. 2012, advisors: L. Plagne (EDF), P. Ramet and J. Roman.

    13. Mawussi Zounon, Numerical resilient algorithms for exascale, starting Oct. 2011, advisors: E. Agullo and L. Giraud.


  • HDR of B. Goglin (Université de Bordeaux) entitled “Vers des mécanismes génériques de communication et une meilleure maîtrise des affinités dans les grappes de calculateurs hiérarchiques" defended April 2014. J. Roman (examinator).

  • PhD of M. Dorier (Ecole Normale Supérieure de Rennes) entitled “Addressing the challenges of I/O variability in post-petascale HPC simulations" defended December 2014. J. Roman (external referee).

  • PhD of D. Genet (Université de Bordeaux) entitled “Design of generic modular solutions for PDE solvers for modern architectures" defended December 2014. J. Roman (examinator).

  • PhD of P. Jacq (Université de Bordeaux) entitled “Méthodes numériques de type volumes finis sur maillages non-structurés pour la résolution de la thermique anisotrope et des équations de Navier-Stokes compressibles" defended July 2014. J. Roman (examinator).

  • PhD of B. Lizé (Université Paris 13) entitled “Résolution Directe Rapide pour les Éléments Finis de Frontière en Électromagnétisme et Acoustique : -Matrices. Parallélisme et Applications Industrielles" defended June 2014. L. Giraud and G. Sylvand (examinator).

  • PhD of P. Jolivet (Université de Grenoble et LJLL) entitled “Méthodes de décomposition de domaine. Application au calcul haute performance" defended Ocotber 2104. L. Giraud (examinator).

  • PhD of R. Kanna (Manchester University) entitled “Numerical linear algebra problems in structural analysis" defended Octobre 2014. Jury: D. Silvester (internal referee) L. Giraud (external referee).

  • PhD of L. Boillot (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour), entitled “Contributions à la modélisation mathématique et à l’algorithmique parallèle pour l’optimisation d’un propagateur d’ondes élastiques en milieu anisotrope” defended December 2014, E. Agullo (examinator).