Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
Regional Initiatives
DigiPods - Remote Collaborative Interaction mong Heterogeneos Visualization Platforms, Région Île-de-France (2012-2015), Coordinator: Stéphane Huot. Partners: Digiteo/FCS Campus Paris-Saclay, Univ. Paris-Sud, Inria, CNRS, CEA, Telecom ParisTech.
The goal of DIGIPODS is to design new interactive equipments and devices for collaborative interaction in immersive and high-resolution visualization platforms, connected through a high-end telepresence infrastructure. Beyond the usual interactive devices of such platforms (motion capture, interactive surfaces, haptic devices, audio and video systems), all the platforms will be augmented with new devices to facilitate co-located or remote interaction and collaboration: telepresence robots and the Digicarts, a new kind of interaction devices specifically designed for these needs. These equipments will be used by researchers in Human-Computer Interaction to explore the visualization and manipulation of large datasets, interaction in virtual reality, remote collaboration among heterogeneous platforms; but also by researchers from other fields and by professionals in order to explore and manipulate their complex data.
DigiCarts - Post-doctoral fellow position funded by Digiteo, Coordinator: Stéphane Huot. Partners: Univ. Paris-Sud, Inria, CNRS, CEA, Telecom ParisTech.
Complements the DigiPods project with funding for a 18 months post-doctoral position focused on the design, implementation and evaluation of the Digicart devices.
DigiZoom - Funding by DIGICOSME Labex, Coordinator: Olivier Chapuis. Partners: U. Paris-Sud, Inria, Institut Mines-Telecom.
Design, modeling and empirical evaluation of multi-scale navigation techniques depending on the input channels and output characteristics of the devices, in particular their size, in single-user and collaborative contexts. This project funds a joint PhD student between InSitu and the VIA group at Institut Mines-Telecom.
MultiVis - Funding by DIGICOSME Labex, Coordinator: James Eagan (Institut Mines Telecom). Partners: U. Paris-Sud, Inria, Institut Mines-Telecom.
Design, evaluate, and implement novel interaction models to help users appropriate multiple computational surfaces in the sense-making process. Our initial approach is to operationalize and extend the instrumental interaction model to specifically accommodate the specific needs of the sense-making process for information visualization. This project funds a joint PhD student between the VIA group at Institut Mines-Telecom and InSitu.