Section: Dissemination
Seminars and conferences
Manuel Serrano gave two seminars about Web programming in various events: "Future of Programming", Delft 2014 and "9th Symposium on Future Trends in Service-Oriented Computing", Potsdam 2014. He participated in the SAC'2014 conference in Gyeongju, Korea [16] , where is presented new techniques for implementing locks efficiently in higher order programming languages. He also participated in the WEBIST'14 conference in Barcelona, Spain [17] , where he presented his work on multitier debugging of Web applications.
Bernard Serpette gave a talk about Unification des couleurs dans un -calcul polychrome at the JFLA'14, Fréjus, France.
Nataliia Bielova was invited to present her work on browser randomisation against fingerprinting at PRINCESS workshop in December 2014.
Ilaria Castellani participated in the NII (the japanese National Institute of Informatics) Shonan Meeting on "Software Contracts for Communication, Monitoring, and Security", held at Shonan Village Center. In June she took part in the workshop OPCT (Open Problems in Concurrency Theory) in Bertinoro, Italy. In both cases, she gave a talk on Security for Reactive Synchronous Languages. In September, she participated in the conference TCS (Theoretical Computer Science) in Rome, where she gave a joint talk with Marco Bernardo, reporting on the IFIP WG 1.8 activities and on the OPCT workshop, in a special session dedicated to the IFIP TC1 working groups. She also attended the BEAT workshop, where her work was presented by Jorge A. Perez. She finally participated, as a co-organiser, in the workshop TRENDS 2014 and in the event MatthewFest (cf Section 9.2 below). As part of the Action BETTY, she participated in two one-day project meetings/workshops, associated with the conferences ETAPS and CONCUR respectively, and she spent a short visit to the University of Torino and another one to Trinity College, Dublin.
José Fragoso Santos participated in the 29th IFIP International Conference of Information Security and Privacy (IFIP SEC'2014) in which he presented his joint work with Tamara Rezk (An Information Flow Monitor-Inlining Compiler for Securing a Core of JavaScript).
He participated in the 9th International Symposium on Trustworthy Global Computing (TGC'2014) in which he presented his joint work with Ana Almeida Matos and Tamara Rezk (An Information Flow Monitor for a Core of DOM - Introducing References and Live Primitives).
He gave a talk about information flow security for client-side Web applications at the LoReL group and at the LaFHIS group in the University of Buenos Aires and at the Dependable Systems Group in the University of Córdoba. José Fragoso Santos also gave a talk about information flow security for the DOM API in the Department of Computing of the Imperial College in London.
Tamara Rezk was invited to Dagstuhl Seminar 14271, "Scripting Languages and Frameworks: Analysis and Verification". She gave two talks on “Hybrid Typing for JavaScript” and “Hop Operational Semantics”.