Section: New Results

Online Social Networks (OSN)

Community detection; bandit algorithms; privacy preservation; reward mechanisms

Community detection

Participants : Laurent Massoulié, Marc Lelarge, Jiaming Xu.

We have progressed in the design of spectral methods for community detection and in the corresponding analysis (see above and references [3] , [13] , [22] ).

Bandit algorithms for active learning of content type at low spam cost

Participants : Laurent Massoulié, Mesrob Ohanessian, Alexandre Proutière.

We developed a framework in which to cast the problem, and the so-called “greedy Bayes” algorithm to determine which user to expose to a given content. We proved corresponding optimality properties, and observed that “greedy Bayes” beats the so-called Thompson sampling approach, that is the state-of the-art method in bandit problems. Work currently under submission.