IPSO - 2014
New Results
New Results

Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Master 2 lectures: N. Crouseilles, Numerical methods for kinetic equations.

  • Master 1 lectures: M. Lemou, Theory of distributions, University of Rennes 1 and ENS Cachan (Ker Lann), 24 hours.

  • Master 2: M. Lemou was the manager of Master 2 courses in "Analysis and Applications", university of Rennes 1.

  • E. Faou gave a series of lectures on Stochastic methods for PDEs, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK, october 2014.

  • E. Faou gave a series of lectures on Geometric Numerical Integration for PDE, KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany, August 2014.

  • E. Faou gave a series of lectures on Stochastic computation and on Geometric Numerical Integration for PDE, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, May 2014

  • A. Debussche gave a mini-course on Introduction aux EDPS in the school EDP avec conditions aleatoires, Toulouse, April 22-25, 2014.

  • Licence 3: P. Chartier gave a lecture on ODEs at ENS Rennes, september-december, 24 hours.


  • N. Crouseilles and M. Lemou co-advise H. Hivert's PhD (first year in Rennes university), ENS grant.

  • N. Crouseilles and M. Lemou co-advise (with R. Raghurama and M. Lemou) A. Ruhi's PhD (third year in IISc), Indian grant.

  • M. Lemou and F. Méhats co-advised P. Carcaud's PhD: University of Rennes 1. Thesis defense on june 2nd 2014.

  • P. Chartier and F. Méhats co-supervise the PhD thesis of G. Leboucher.

  • P. Chartier and F. Castella co-supervise the PhD thesis of J. Sauzeau.

  • A. Debussche and F. Méhats co-supervise the PhD thesis of M. Tusseau.

  • E. Faou co-supervises the PhD thesis of R. Horsin.

  • A. Debussche and E. Faou co-supervised the thesis of M. Kopec, ENS Rennes.


  • N. Crouseilles: member of the PHD jury of P. Glanc, 20 january 2014 (Strasbourg); co-advising (with M. Mehrenberger) of Pierre Glanc PhD (Strasbourg University), Inria-Cordi grant.

  • N. Crouseilles: member of the PHD jury of Ch. Steiner, 11 december 2014 (Strasbourg); co-advising (with M. Mehrenberger) of Christophe Steiner PhD (Strasbourg University), ministry grant.

  • N. Crouseilles: member of the PHD jury of M. Kuhn, 29 september 2014 (Strasbourg); co-advising (with S. Genaud) of Matthieu Kuhn PhD (Strasbourg University and Inria IPSO), ANR "E2T2" grant.

  • N. Crouseilles: member of the Master 2 jury of P. Pereira, 26 november 2014 (Lisboa, Portugal).

  • F. Méhats was referee of the thesis of L. Hari (Cergy, supervised by T. Duyckaerts and C. Fermanian).

  • F. Méhats was referee of the thesis of X. Zhao (Singapore, supervised by W. Bao).

  • P. Chartier was referee of the PhD thesis of Philipp Bader, University of Valencia, june.