IPSO - 2014
New Results
New Results

Section: Application Domains

Plasma physics

The development of efficient numerical methods is essential for the simulation of plasmas and beams at the kinetic level of description (Vlasov type equations). It is well known that plasmas or beams give rise to small scales (Debye length, Larmor radius, gyroperiod, mean free path...) which make numerical simulations challenging. Instead of solving the limit or averaged models by considering these small scales equal to zero, our aim is to explore a different strategy, which consists in using the original kinetic equation. Specific numerical scheme called `Asymptotic Preserving" scheme is then built to discretize the original kinetic equation. Such a scheme allows to pass to the limit with no stability problems, and provide in the limit a consistent approximation of the limit or average model. A systematic and robust way to design such a scheme is the micro-macro decomposition in which the solution of the original model is decomposed into an averaged part and a remainder.