IPSO - 2014
New Results
New Results

Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives

ANR Programme blanc international (BLAN) LODIQUAS 2012-2015

Participants : Philippe Chartier, Florian Méhats, Francois Castella, Mohammed Lemou.

The project, entitled "LODIQUAS" (for: Low DImensional QUANtum Systems), received fundings for 4 postdocs (48 months) and one pre-doc (36 months). The whole project involves the following researchers : Norbert Mauser (Vienna), Erich Gornik (Vienna), Mechthild Thalhammer (Innsbruck), Christoph Naegerl (Innsbruck), Jörg Schmiedmayer (Vienna), Hans-Peter Stimming (Vienna),Francis Nier (Rennes), Raymond El Hajj (Rennes), Claudia Negulescu (Toulouse), Fanny Delebecque (Toulouse), Stéphane Descombes (Nice), Christophe Besse (Lille).

Quantum technology as the application of quantum effects in macroscopic devices has an increasing importance, not only for far future goals like the quantum computer, but already now or in the near future. The present project is mainly concerned with the mathematical and numerical analysis of these objects, in conjunction with experimental physicists.

ANR MOONRISE: 2015-2019

Participants : Nicolas Crouseilles, Philippe Chartier, Florian Méhats, Francois Castella, Mohammed Lemou.

The project Moonrise submitted by F. Méhats has been funded by the ANR for 4 years, for the period 2015-2019. This project aims at exploring modeling, mathematical and numerical issues originating from the presence of high-oscillations in nonlinear PDEs from the physics of nanotechnologies (quantum transport) and from the physics of plasmas (magnetized transport in tokamaks). The partners of the project are the IRMAR (Rennes), the IMT (Toulouse) and the CEA Cadarache. In the IPSO team, F. Castella, P. Chartier, N. Crouseilles and M. Lemou are members of the project Moonrise.

ANR Programme blanc GYPSI: 2010-2014

Participant : Nicolas Crouseilles.

Leader: Ph. Gendrih.

The full description is available at https://sites.google.com/site/anrgypsi/

ANR Programme blanc E2T2: 2010-2014

Participant : Nicolas Crouseilles.

Leader: P. Beyer