Section: Dissemination


  • Gabriel Antoniu

    • Microsoft Research, Redmond. Invited presentation at the Workshop on E-Science in the Cloud. Subject: Big Data management in the Cloud (A-Brain and Z-CloudFlow projects). Audience: engineers, students and researchers, from academia and industry (April 2014).

    • ORAP Forum. Invited Speaker. Big Data: Concepts-clés et enjeux (April 2014).

    • Radio France. Invited interview about Big Data at the Labo des savoirs. Available on line at http://labodessavoirs.fr/chroniques-et-reportages/un-nouveau-paradigme/ .

    • Institut Français de Bio-informatique, Grand-Ouest, Rennes. Invited presentation at the 12e Rencontres des plates-formes de Bioinformatique du Grand Ouest about the team's experience with the Microsoft Azure cloud platform (November 2014).

  • Shadi Ibrahim

    • Parallel and Distributed Computing Centre (PDCC), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. Invited seminar. Subject: Consistency Management for Big Data Applications in the Clouds (January 2014).

  • Alexandru Costan

    • EIT ICT Labs, Rennes. Invited presentation at the Workshop on Trusted Clouds about KerData Team: Scalable Data Management on Clouds and Beyond (March 2014).

  • Matthieu Dorier

    • Inria, Grenoble. Invited seminar about Damaris: data management for scientific simulations on post-Petascale supercomputers (June 2014).