Section: Partnerships and Cooperations
International Initiatives
Inria Associate Teams
Participant : Marie Babel.
Sampen (Self Adaptive Mobile Perception and Navigation) is an Inria associated team with the Iceira Lab supervised by Prof Ren C. Luo at the National University of Taiwan. It has been accepted in 2014 for 2 years. The coordinator of the team for Inria is Anne Spalanzani from UPMF University at Grenoble. The other French participants are Marie Babel, Daney David (Phoenix group in Bordeaux) and Christian Laugier (e-Motion group in Grenoble).
The aim of the project is to propose a self-adaptive system of perception combined with a system of autonomous navigation. Usually, systems of perception rely on a set of specific sensors and a calibration is done in a specific environment. We propose to develop some methods to make perception systems adaptive to the environmental context and to the set of sensors used. This perception, that can be embedded on the mobile robot as well as on home structures (wall, ceiling, floor), will be helpful to localize agents (people, robot) present in the scene. Moreover, it will give information to better understand social scenes.
Informal International Partners
As a follow up to the long term collaboration with the “Centro de Tecnologia da Informação Renato Archer” (CTI) in Campinas (Brazil), a new Ph.D. student, Renato José Martins, joined the team in Sophia Antipolis thanks to a grant from the CNPq (2013-2017). He is co-directed by Patrick Rives and Samuel Siqueira Bueno from “Divisão de Robótica e Visão Computacional” at CTI.
Alexandre Krupa has a collaboration with Nassir Navab from the Technische Universität München concerning the joint supervision of Pierre Chatelain's Ph.D.
Patrick Rives has a collaboration with Javier Gonzales-Jimenez from the University of Malaga (Spain). Eduardo Fernandez-Moral who received his PhD in Malaga by September 2014, is currently on a Postdoctoral position in Sophia Antipolis.