Section: Bilateral Contracts and Grants with Industry

Bilateral Grants with Industry

Inria-EDF Strategic action MS4SG

Participants : Yannick Presse, Benjamin Segault, Laurent Ciarletta [contact] .

Vincent Chevrier (Maia team, LORIA) is a collaborator and correspondant for the MS4SG project. Benjamin Camus, Victorien Elvinger (Maia team, LORIA) are extrenal collaborators.

The MS4SG (multi-simulation for smart grids) project is granted as a strategic action between Inria and EDF. It is a joint work between the Madynes and MAIA teams from Inria-NGE and EDF R&D. The aim of the project is to provide primitives based on AA4MM in order to enable the multi-modeling and the multi-simulation of smart-grids. They can be seen as a combination of at least 3 layers: the power grid, the network used to collect information and control the system and an Information System. As these domains can influence each other, smart-grids can be considered as a kind of complex system and we are faced with multi-modeling and multi-simulation issues. Models in these simulators (and therefore simulators) are heterogeneous (at least equation based and event based models).

The idea behind MS4SG is to use simulation to help develop and evaluate future smart grids architectures, novel supervision techniques and to eventually control these systems. Instead of building a “super simulator”, our approach is stemming from our AA4MM work, and consists in integrating simulators (and models) coming from at least the three aforementioned initial different domains: electrical networks, communication networks and information systems.

Alerion, project

Participants : Laurent Ciarletta, Maxence Ho, Yael Kolasa, Martin Thiriau, Emmanuel Nataf [contact] .

Alerion is an e-falconry startup created by a member of Madynes. Its goal is to provide novel solutions and services “for, using and eventually against" UxV (Unmanned Air ... Vehicle). The concept is to enhance existing system and design new ones by combining well designed components seen as Cyber Physical bricks.

As part of its national grant by the "Concours national d'aide à la création d'entreprises de technologies innovantes" (for the emerging category in 2013), Alerion is funding a Proof of Concept project to help in developing and validating the requirements of a couple of basic components related to functionalities such as safety mechanisms and sensor data collection.

Alerion has also actively supported the UAV Challenge team that participated to the "Outback Joe Challenge".
