Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

National Initiatives


Participants : François Despaux, Abdelkader Lahmadi, Ye-Qiong Song [contact] .

The QUASIMODO ANR Blanc international project (http://quasimodo.loria.fr/ ) is a fundamental research project coordinated by Prof. Ye-Qiong SONG at LORIA - University of Lorraine in France and by Prof. Youxian SUN at SKLICT of Zhejiang University in China. The project started on March 2011 and will be completed at the end of 2014. It is funded by ANR grant (ANR 2010 INTB 0206 01) and NSFC grant (NSFC 61061130563). The main objective of the project is to specify, develop and evaluate algorithms and mechanisms to provide the self-adaptive QoS support for real-time applications using wireless sensor networks (WSN). This year, the iQueue-MAC has been extended (see section 6.5.2 ) and we presented a method to estimate the e2e delay for a multi-hop scenario (section 6.5.2 )

ANR Doctor

Participants : Thomas Silverston [contact] , Thibault Cholez [contact] , Elian Aubry, Jérôme François, Abdelkader Lahmadi, Olivier Festor.

The DOCTOR project is an applied research project funded by the French National Research Agency (ANR), grant <ANR-14-CE28-000>, and supported by the french Systematic cluster. The project officially started on October 2014 with a effective beginning of the scientific work on December 2014. It involves five partners specialized in network architectures, network monitoring and network security: three industrial partners (Orange Labs, Thales and Montimage) and two academic partners (Université de technologie de Troyes, LORIA).

Information-Centric Networking (ICN), a novel promising networking paradigm that allows adapting networks to current content-centric usage patterns, raises many deployment issues. The DOCTOR project advocates the use of virtualized network equipment (Network Functions Virtualization), enabling the co-existence of such IP and ICN stacks and the progressive migration of traffic from one stack to the other while guaranteeing the good security and manageability of the network that are primary operator requirements that need to be assured before deploying new solutions. Therefore in DOCTOR, the main goals of the project are: (1) the efficient deployment of emerging networks functions or protocols in a virtualized networking environment; (2) the monitoring and security of virtually deployed networking architectures.

This year, we mainly prepared the kickoff meeting that took place the 10th of December in Orange Labs, Issy-les-Moulineaux. We also started a joint work with UTT to write a survey on Named-Data Networking with an emphasis on the deployment and security questions.


Participants : Kévin Roussel, Ye-Qiong Song [contact] .

LAR (Living Assistant Robot) is a national project getting together Inria (MAIA and MADYNES teams), Credit Agricole, Diatelic and Robotsoft. The aim is to develop an ambient assisted living system for elderly including both sensors and assistant robots. The task of our team is the development of a WSN based system integrating both sensors of the environment and sensors and actuators embedded on a mobile robot. The research issues include the QoS, energy and mobility management. This year we identified RIOT OS as our software platform for developing both protocols and IoT applications. We also evaluated and fixed three hardware platforms (Zolertia MSP430 Z1, AVR ATmega256RFR2 and Arduino DUE) for the development of the project. We have improved the robustness of the existing ports of RIOT OS on MSP430-based motes. Two MAC protocols (S-CoSenS and iQueue-MAC) have been implemented on RIOT-OS (see section 6.5.2 ).

PEPS Humain - CNRS Project TrustSourcing

Participants : Thomas Silverston [contact] , Vassili Rivron, Isabelle Chrisment.

Crowdsourcing relies on the participation of users collecting information in order to perform complex tasks. The participating users and the collected data should be of high quality for offering a trustable service to all the users. In the Trustsourcing project, we propose to design a Trust mechanism adapted to the crowdsourcing paradigm. Based on the current work initiated by the Metroscope/PRACTIC initiative, whose main goal is to study the usage of smartphone by measuring users’ activity, we will propose to classify smartphone users and deduce some categories of trustable users. According to their “fingerprint” usage of their smartphone (time spent with phone, number of applications, messages etc.), we could estimate if an user will more probably belong to a category of trustable users or not. Our predictive mechanism will rely on the measurement of realistic users’ activity and could help limiting drastically the impact of malicious users and the deterioration of the crowdsourcing service.

Action de Développement Technologique

ADT Métroscope

This ADT is linked to the consortium Metroscope ( http://metroscope.eu/ ), whose goal is to understand the behavior of the Internet and its uses within a mobile environment. Through this ADT, funded by Inria, an engineer (Mohammad-Irfan Khan) was hired for 2 years (2013-2015). He is participating in the design and deployment of a distributed platform. This platform is composed of a services providing measurement tools that collect a set of data and interact with probes located at various points of the network.


The goal of this ADT is to provide an novel security solution for Android platforms where the users will be able to evaluate the security level of their devices. The solution relies on the analysis and collection of logs and network activities of running Android applications to detect malicious activities and also the detection of vulnerable configurations of the device using an OVAL-based approach. Through, this ADT, funded by Inria, an engineer (Eric Finickel) was hired for 2 years (2013-2015). He is working on the development of Android devices embedded probes to export logs and network activities. He will also design and setup the collector and the analysis applications using a Hadoop based framework. It is currently deployed in the High Security Lab.


The goal of this ADT is to provide assistance in developing the Aetournos platform. Through this ADT, funded by Inria, an engineer (Ceilidh Hoffmann) was hired for the year (2014). She has been helping maintaining the Aetournos platform, coordinating students work on the platform and tutoring the Aetournos team for the Outback Joe Search and Rescue Challenge. She is also developing tools for UAV localization using visual cues.

Inria Project Lab PAL

The Inria Large-scale initiative action IPL PAL project (http://pal.inria.fr ) aims at providing technologies and services for improving the autonomy and quality of life for elderly and fragile persons. Communication is one of the key components for ensuring real-time data gathering and exchange between heterogeneous sensors and actuators (robots). Within PAL project and using LORIA's smart apartment platform (http://infositu.loria.fr ), we extended MPIGate (http://mpigate.loria.fr ) functionalities by adding EnOcean sensors and defining a unified data format in JSON to ease the exchange with other data servers. The adoption of ROS (Robotic Operating System) as middleware also facilitates the interoperability of our services with the services of the other PAL partners since the new PALGate is based on ROS.