Section: New Software and Platforms


Android Security platform

Participants : Abdelkader Lahmadi [contact] , Rémi Badonnel, Olivier Festor, Eric Finickel, Frederic Beck [SED, Inria Nancy Grand Est] .

Android environments are facing several threats and attacks. Madynes team is working on the development of a monitoring platform dedicated to the security analysis and these environments. The monitoring platform relies on different components:

  • a set of probes dedicated to the measurement of network activities using NetFlow protocol and logs generated by running Applications of an Android device. An OVAL agent (Ovaldroid) is also developed for vulnerability assessment.

  • a set of scalable data collectors to collect and parse the data issued by our probes (NetFlow records, logs in the syslog format and vulnerability reports). The collectors are relying on Flume agents.

  • a NoSQL storage (HBase) engine where all the collected data are stored for further analysis.

  • A first set of analysers of the collected data, relying on a Map-Reduce engine (Spark) are also developed [41] including statistical analysis about connected services and ports but also a Self-Organising Map analyser to classify Android application patterns according to different properties including their communication patterns and also their lifecycle activities. [16] .

The first version of the monitoring platform is operational and deployed within the LHS infrastructure. Further development is currently under taken to provide more analysis, data correlation and visualisation features.

IoT platform

Participants : Emmanuel Nataf [contact] , Thibault Cholez.

This platform is a joint work between Anthony Deroche [43] , Thierry Duhal [45] and Arthur Garnier [46] , respectively students from TELECOM Nancy and IUT Nancy-Charlemagne. They worked under the supervision of Emmanuel Nataf and Thibault Cholez between February and August 2014.

The main goal of the IOT platform is to collect and store production and management data produced during long-run WSN experiments. The platform is open-source (https://github.com/AnthonyDeroche/iotlab/ ) and built with a modular architecture in order to support different types of experiment (routing algorithms, energy efficiency, security, etc.).

Based on this platform, we developed several innovative applications:

  • indoor geolocalization of sensors based on RSSI strength [43]

  • data collection from several concurrent points allowing better scalability with good performances on large WSN [45]

  • data link to remotely control nodes from the web interface with a skeleton of API [45]

Regarding the technical aspects [44] , the platform is based on a JEE architecture running on a Glassfish server, websocket full-duplex communications, secure and authenticated administrator access (HTTPS). The web interface uses the framework CSS front-end Zurb Foundation and javascript libraries to display dynamic charts and maps.

The full plateform has been instantiated with 40 TELOSB sensors deployed in TELECOM Nancy (http://iotlab.telecomnancy.eu/ ) during one month.

SCADA platform

Participants : Abdelkader Lahmadi [contact] , Jérôme François, Olivier Festor.

SCADA is a term used in several industries and its stands for Supervisory Control and Data Acquisitions. It refers to a centralized control and monitoring system for a variety of machinery and equipment involved with many industrial activities. SCADA systems are also becoming target to different attacks exploiting traditional IT vulnerabilities, e.g. buffer overflows, script crossing, crafted network packets, or specific vulnerabilities related to control and estimation algorithms employed by control processes.

We are developing and maintaining a platform to assess and analyse the security of SCADA systems based on a testbed combining real hardware and simulation tools of physical processes. We have extended our SCADA testbed to simulate a microgrid scenario [49] . We are thus able to extract and analyse the Profinet messages at the control network level using process mining techniques. Further development will be taken to include information technology layers in the testbed (servers, firewalls, network devices, etc).

During the year 2014, we have also started the development of a scanning platform of Internet IP addresses and communication ports to identify exposed sensitive services and networks, for instance SCADA systems [42] .